nitrate levels


Active Member
Lionstorm: There is a sure fire way to get rid of nitrates nitrates . Proper stocking levels, proper feedings, and proper maintenance. If you stick to these three things you will have zero nitrates everytime, no matter if you use a DSB,refugium or live rock.
The problem with Bob is that he does not believe in maintenance :confused:


Active Member
I understand what you are saying but what about the ones that missed the pic. I'm not trying to justify a flaming session, but he brings it on himself. And Yes, I think he entertains himself on providing this crap info and I think he enjoys the attention he receives because of it.



Originally posted by jlem
There is a sure fire way to get rid of nitrates nitrates . Proper stocking levels, proper feedings, and proper maintenance. If you stick to these three things you will have zero nitrates everytime, no matter if you use a DSB,refugium or live rock.

Guess I could poke one hole in your theory - And that is if you are constantly using tap water (tap water carrying wide varying quality from city to city of course) then you can wind up with a nitrate problem. Still I believe your in the right playing field jlem as this will still not cause massive spikes with the routiens that you mention, and should control if not cure them.
If I recall correctly Bob does use tap water and does not do water changes, Its not a hard thing to decide, do you want a tank that looks like Bobs or one that looks like Beths.


Active Member
I think that alot of the time when somebody says that something did not work for them it really is them no working for the system. In my 125 gallon I have live rock and no DSB. I have zero nitrates and no algae problems. I have a pretty light bioload. Now if I put 4 times as many fish into my tank and fed them 4 times a day then I probably would have a huge nitrate problem, and it would have nothing to do with my live rock or a DSB not working if I had one. It would be because I way overstocked my tank, overfed the fish and didn't take care of my animals.
Poke a hole in that one buster :D
How do you quote somebody?



Originally posted by jlem
Poke a hole in that one buster :D
How do you quote somebody?

To quote you just press that little button on the lower right side of the end of thier posts right next to the edit button.
Ah Buster Keaton great comedian :D


I just wasted five minutes of my life listeing to all the flamers here. I have seen bobs pics, and read his advise. I whole-heartedly agree with everything you all say. I have been on the board for a while, and speak up when I have something that will benefit someone........
[thinking somemore while typing]
.....having been here a while, I simply ignore his posts. While that works for me, it isn't fair to sit back and let bad advise go unchecked. Thanks Kip, reef nut, Thomas and all the rest for immediately correcting this bad advise. Sooner or later, he will either disappear or come around.

madd catt

Wasnt it buster keatons nice who did that expoltation movie i spit on your grave? he also did those beach blanket bingo movies i think.



Originally posted by ReefNut
Buster Keaton :confused: who's that.

I am sorry you don't know Buster Keaton, In my opinion he was much better than Charlie Chaplin, not that Chaplin wasn't very good, well,, they both were, but if someone offered me a movie of either one I would choose Buster hands down.



Originally posted by ReefNut
This is the problem. He is NOT testifying as someone who did not have success nor has he ever admitted that his methods do not work.

oh well now that you've justified it flame him back to the stone age, by all means. **sarcasm**


Active Member

Originally posted by LionStorm
oh well now that you've justified it flame him back to the stone age, by all means. **sarcasm**

You mean I have your premmision... I feel much better now;) .


Active Member
Lionstorm - I don't know if I would agree that Bob is simply being flamed. It is more complicated than that here. It is not a matter of someone posting something they did unknowingly and having everyone jump all over them. That I would definitely consider flaming.
But this didn't start out that way. This was repeatedly posting about problems, ignoring everyone's advice on those problems, insisting on doing it his way anyway to no avail, and then turning around and constantly telling people that his way is the correct way to manage a tank. All of this when he can't get a handle on the problems in his own tank and refuses to listen to anyone.
As I posted above, I too believe he may just enjoy getting people upset. If so, yes I fell for it - hook, line and sinker, as did others.
But when new hobbyists (or seasoned hobbyists as well) post here for assistance, Bob's advice may be causing more harm than anything else. I think it is the responsibility of those who know better to do what they can to at least notify people that Bob's advice is, at the very least, unfavorable, and could result in worsening their situation.


New Member
IMO, the biggest issue we have here is the irresponsibility of the majority of Bob's posts. He seems to favor answering newbie's questions with his suggestions long proven to be out-dated and better solved with newer and more up to date methods.
We have to remember that this particular section of the board is dedicated to "New Hobbyists". They look to the more experienced for the best possible answer to help them achieve their ultimate goal, the same tanks that are posted as pictures by those experienced hobbyists everyday. For a prime example, look at the difference between Beth's beautiful, healthy tank and Bob's. Bob's "Lagoon" should be set up as a postie to remind us all what happens when you don't follow basic guidelines of tank maintenance and use the up to date methods that have been proven.
As I stated previously, if Bob wants to conduct a science experiment in his own tank, that is fine, but until he has some proven, verifiable data that can be substantiated by an unbiased third party as to his findings, then this should not be the place for maybe's and what if's when it comes to someone else's tanks and livestock.


Well not sure if I should ask any questions with all the soap opera stuff going on--but I need help. Also with nitrate problem.
3 month old 140gal tank. Water changes done- one just done yesterday. Levels all were ok this morning. Nitrate-low. Nitrite 0. Ammonia 0.25 PH 8.2 .As day went on water got cloudy--nitrates HIGH all the rest the same. No new fish or other changes.
Here is our equipment--PRO150 wet/dry with pre-filter & built in protein skimmer(which is on 1800 ph) by Aqua Clear Aquatics.
CAP2200 return sump &2200 ph. We did use tapwater for water change but added Kent essential additives & an ammonia detoxifier. We are planning on getting an ro/di filter in the near future. Just wondering from all you experts about all this. Looking for help & constructive criticism.
I truly appreciate any help. Thankyou!



Originally posted by Buzz
Lionstorm - I don't know if I would agree that Bob is simply being flamed. It is more complicated than that here. It is not a matter of someone posting something they did unknowingly and having everyone jump all over them. That I would definitely consider flaming.

If its such a problem let the moderators handle it, that's their job. Getting the whole message board community to come out and scold Bob for giving bad advice is blatant flaming and does nothing. If it seriously bothers you talk to the moderators, I think its a waste of space to spam an entire topic like this with 30 different messages all saying "Bob your advice is flawed" seems a little redundant, IMO.


Please take a moment and make a new topic thread for your question. you will get more aof a responce then adding it to this one. alot of people will not even look at the bottom of this thread to see your post so to get answered right make a new post.