Nitrate,Nitrite,Amonia - Remover in a bottle



HAs any every heard of or used the product called AmQuel+ which is supposed to remove nitrate,nitrite,amonia,chloramine, and chlorine. The lfs told me about it, but wanted to check with you guys before using it.


All that stuff in a bottle is crap. Only profit for stores. A simple WC will lower all those and its cheaper and healthier.Dont add chemicals that only stick around in your tank..


AmQuel in general is crap. The problem with it is that it only masks ammonia instead of dissipating it.
If you want a good additive product, use NovAqua. It is an excellent product. However, it doesn't do anything for ammonia. I'd suggest Chloradsorb for ammonia.
BTW, there really isn't a fix-all-in-a-bottle product that can help you after
your tank is in trouble. Good products like NovAqua are supposed to be used in addition to water changes or new setups. Your only real solution for troubled tanks is water changes.


Active Member
If you actually have an ammonia problem, you want to know it and fix it and get the tank going properly. I don't like cures in a bottle, personally. But good money for the store, indeed....


Active Member
So how does that stuff work...
You rub the bottle and get three "wishes"...??
I "wish" my Ammonia was 0...
I "wish" my NitrItes were 0...
I "wish" my NitrAtes were 0...