Nitrate out of this world


We have done a water change and nothing is dead... but it's at 160!!! The highest possible.. what do we do to get rid of it??? PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
dont think the test kit is good.
if the trates are that high the corals would be gone.
especially after no changes after water changes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
dont think the test kit is good.
if the trates are that high the corals would be gone.
especially after no changes after water changes.
First, don't do anything drastic. If nothing is dead now, nothing's going to be dead tomorrow. I'd go to an LFS tomorrow to back up your results, because I agree...160 is suspicously high.
Also take a sample of your source water. If a huge water change didn't drop it down, then perhaps your source water contains excessive nitrates.
Are you using RODI water or just tap water?


Active Member
I agree....
I would first get the test double checked.
I would then test the source water.
after that you need a game plan, because if they are that high, they are that high for a reason - overstocking, overfeeding, lack of maintenance.
I also STRONGLY agree with SCSInet on the advice to not do anything drastic, which is more likely to cause trouble than the nitrate issue in the short term.


I had the same problem with my 90 gal--i tried 15 gal water changes daily for a week--no difference--tested my RO water---no problem---finally tried a different test from a different maker---reading are right where they should be.--so try a different kit, or take water sample to your LFS and ask them, to test it??