Nitrate Problem


I have been having a problem keeping my nitrate levels in check. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?
It's an 80g tank, 65-70 lbs LR, 40(about to be 80) lbs LS, canister filter with carbon and bio in place, skimmer, and a uv steralizer.
Levels are Nitrite 0, ammonia 0, ph 8.3-8.5, Nitrate 40-60.
Temp is 82 right now
And yes I do regular water changes.
Any help would be great.
Oh yeah hermit crabs, emerald crabs, turbo and nas(however you spell them) snails, and one fish (flame hawk)due to an ich outbreak that killed all my other fish. That was 3 weeks ago.


I have fiji pink sand. The tnak is run with a rena xp3 filter pushing through a turbo twist 3x uv sterailzer. HOB skimmer with 2 powerheads in tank.


hey just wondering almost the same thing my tank has cycled but my nitrates is the only thing that has not changed i mean amo is 0ppm,trites 0ppm and trates a 40,pH is 8.2,ls ,lr fluval a 29 gal and a skimmer temp.76.


I had similar thing that helped believe it or not are little neck clams that you buy live from the local supermarket!
I put 8 in my 75 gallon, and my nitrates have been down ever since. It's a great and inexpensive option for you to consider.


New Member
My nitrates have remained at 20 since cycling, so I tested my (tap) water and it was 20. I don't have anywhere to put a RO unit so I'm going to start using distilled water for top off and water changes. Do you use tap water? Have you tested the water before adding it to your tank?


Do you have foam filters in your canister? May I suggest cleaning them if you havent, if you have then ignore the rest. When my trates used to go to 10+ i remove all the foams, I have 6, 4 in a fluval 304 & 2 in a 104, & rinse them in ro water like a wash cloth. Then I replace 2. The water you use to rinse with will turn brown keep rinsing with clean water until water is clean. I usually clean out my canisters every week, just a rinse, then rinse foam every 2 weeks this has worked for me. My trates have been testing 0 for a while
knock on wood