Nitrate problem


My 20 gallon FOWLR saltwater has a stable nitrate level of 20ppm, even right after a water change (10% weekly), and all the other water paremeters are perfect. Since I can't currently afford to go and buy more live rock, I was wondering if macroalgae and De*Nitrate( ) would help. Yes, I have tested my tapwater, and it's nitrates are zero. My Tomato clown, and Coral Banded shrimp(who has shedded 3 times since I got him) appear to be thriving, and a polyp(not an aptaisia) even appeared in my tank overnight under 15 watts of T8 light.


Originally Posted by Tigerbarb
My 20 gallon FOWLR saltwater has a stable nitrate level of 20ppm, even right after a water change (10% weekly), and all the other water paremeters are perfect. Since I can't currently afford to go and buy more live rock, I was wondering if macroalgae and De*Nitrate( ) would help. Yes, I have tested my tapwater, and it's nitrates are zero. My Tomato clown, and Coral Banded shrimp(who has shedded 3 times since I got him) appear to be thriving, and a polyp(not an aptaisia) even appeared in my tank overnight under 15 watts of T8 light.
20 ppm is very low. Unless you have delicate corals I would not worry at all. I have tanks that get into the 100's for nitrates and everything is fine (not suggesting you let your tank get to that point, nor am I suggesting this is a constant). Fish can tolerate nitrates to an appreciable extent....20 is nothing.


Originally Posted by usirchchris
20 ppm is very low. Unless you have delicate corals I would not worry at all. I have tanks that get into the 100's for nitrates and everything is fine (not suggesting you let your tank get to that point, nor am I suggesting this is a constant). Fish can tolerate nitrates to an appreciable extent....20 is nothing.
Thx, I guess that means my water paremeters are perfect :eek:
Lol, are your tanks with 100+ nitrates predatory tanks?


For a FOWLR I wouldn't worry about any thing 20ppm is okay. If you want improvement invest in a refugium.


Originally Posted by Tigerbarb
Thx, I guess that means my water paremeters are perfect :eek:
Lol, are your tanks with 100+ nitrates predatory tanks?
That would be correct sir. Two puffers and a trigger.


Originally Posted by mcbdz
Do you have a protein skimmer? How much and how often are you feeding ?
I feed my Tomato Clown 3 times a day, and my Coral Banded shrimp once a day. I do not currently have a protein skimmer.

blue eye

I aslo have nitrates at a level of 40ppm in my reef tank that i set up 24 days ago. What do u think i should do, if anything. I have a protein skimmer, but i have not used it yet.


If you have stuff in your reef get that skimmer going asap, that would be job one, also, I have gotten that high in my reef a few times with no negative consequences...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tigerbarb
I feed my Tomato Clown 3 times a day, and my Coral Banded shrimp once a day. I do not currently have a protein skimmer.
I think this is contributing to your nitrate level. I would bet that if you cut back to once per day you will see an improvement. My fish get fed every other day.
The other thing is what are you using for filtration? When is it cleaned, filter materials replace, sponges if any rinsed, etc..??????

blue eye

Yea i was feeding three times a day, Flakes, Pellets, and also frozen brine shrimp. Should i just do one of them or 2 of the different foods.

ledzep fan

Active Member
I have also been having a nitrate problem lately. To bring them down, I dose with sugar. It seems to be working.


Imho sugar dosing is not reliable and water changes are always your best friend. Search sugar doing in this board and judge for your self.


Active Member
IMO, 20ppm nitrate in a FOWLR tank is no concern at all. This is a very healthy reading for this type of tank. Why fix what ain't broke? However, I sure would get a skimmer if you don't have one; they do a lot more than help (a little) with nitrates.