Nitrate problems


New Member
My tank has been up and running for almost three years and I still have high nitrate readings and I don't know why. All my other readings are good:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
PH 8.2
temp 80
Nitrate runs between 40-60
I have two Emperor filters
4 powerheads
protein skimer
125 gal tank with over 125 lbs live rock
live sand
In the tank I have:
1 yellow tang
1 perc clown
1 blue head wrasses
1 jawfish
1 blenny
1 green mandrian
1 fire shrimp
1 purple lobster
1 cleaner shrimp
1 very large sally lightfoot crab
1 emeral crab
I have had these fish for over 2 years-yet everytime I add something new it dies!
I only feed every other day.
I do 25% water change one a month
Clean filters once a week
Run carbon filters
What am I doing wrong? Wish I had found this site a long time ago!

the reef

try to speed the balance by using cycle this should take down the levels just use once to twice a week


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Do you have sand as a substrate or curushed coral?
Disregard I see you have sand...sorry..I am retarded at times


New Member
I use RO/DI water that I buy from a local water company. I have tested the fresh water and everything is at zero.


New Member
I do not have an algea problem and I do have plenty of coraline growth. The fish that I have had for a long time do ok-I just can't seem to add new fish. Will I be sorry if I add some damsels?


I battle the same problem except my nitrates aren't quite that high.... Wish I could help but I can't seem to get to the bottom of mine problem. Does your Emperor filter have biowheels? If so, remove them, or at least once. That can cause high nitrates b/c it converts to nitrate and then stops. Just a thought...

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishymom
I do not have an algea problem and I do have plenty of coraline growth. The fish that I have had for a long time do ok-I just can't seem to add new fish. Will I be sorry if I add some damsels?
no damsels
I AM THE ANTI-DAMSEL :mad: :rolleyes: :scared:


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
no damsels
I AM THE ANTI-DAMSEL :mad: :rolleyes: :scared:
Me too you will hate them there


30 gallon water change once a month... good for you...
I would recommend some caulerpa or other macroalgae in a sump with a light.... that would bring your nitrates down..
It seems that you are doing everything right... the fact that you mention that if you add any more fish that they always die. That suggests to me that you have reached the capacity of your tank.
What happens if the power goes out for a couple hours... do you see any spikes?
What type of protein skimmer are you using?
Again, I would try some caulerpa in the sump with a light. you only need a small amount to begin with... it will grow like crazy and remove the nitrate in a few short weeks....although it wont solve the issue of where the excessive nitrates are coming from, it will get them down.


New Member
Thank you everyone for your help! I will remove the bio wheels and see what happens and will not add the damsels. I have heard from others that they are called DAMsels for a reason.