Nitrate problems


Active Member
Originally Posted by meme
please someone , i have nitrite problems all of a sudden i have changed nothing just recently i lost 2 clowns a blue spot puffer, and a blue tang
We need to know the size of your tank, all the readings. Do you have live rock, live sand, etc? What type of filtration system and do you have a protein skimmer? How long has the tank been setup? You need to tell more before anything can be answered!!! :happyfish


ok i have to tell you guys something, i said i had a bio wheel, i don't have , i have a reg. filter, the box said bio filter on it, sorry,
so i do not have bio-wheel
I only vaccumed surface and few spots done deeper, i will not vaccum again.
i got the protein skimmer in today and got it running, i hope its set correctly.
i can't put snails in the tank cause they will die as soon as i put them in. so for now i will hope skimmer helps, i will give it couple days and post new water levels, i pray they are normal.
as far as getting macro algea, lfs said they can't get it, is there somewhere i can get it besides them, one guy said its not allowed to be carried in lfs.