Nitrate Problems


FYI...those water filters u can buy for home use dont work. They say they remove amonia and such but if u read the fine print it says removes the taste and odor only not the actual chemicals....tap water is a huge no no for your tank. Anything kent makes pretty much sucks. Chem pure seems to be a good addition though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ElitePhoto
Anything kent makes pretty much sucks.
I totally disagree with this. I use many of Kent's products and they work wonderfully at keeping my tank healthy.
I use Kent Super dkH buffer, Zoe, Strontium, Garlic Xtreme, Vitamin C, and have used others in the past. I have nothing but good to say about Kent Marine.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I totally disagree with this. I use many of Kent's products and they work wonderfully at keeping my tank healthy.
I use Kent Super dkH buffer, Zoe, Strontium, Garlic Xtreme, Vitamin C, and have used others in the past. I have nothing but good to say about Kent Marine.
everyone has their own oppinions. for some they may work for others they may not i suppose. I use to use some of their stuff years ago if my f/o tank and didnt see much if any good from using them and 3 out of my of my lfs dont recomend buying their stuff. but if it works for you then thats awesome.


My thoughts is a company that makes such a huge variety of aquarium products must know something about the field... and that they do well says something about what they know and make.
It's kind of like people that drive Chevys that say "Fords Suck!" and people that drive Fords that say "Chevys Suck!". I guess that means they both suck then... doesn't it?