Active Member
My nitrates are rising. They were 5 last week now they are at 10. I had one snail die this morning so I did some test no ammonia. Just nitrates 10. I have only two small fish one false percula and a yellow watchman goby and a cleaner shrimp. I feed one flake in the morning and 1/4 of a cube of frozen mysis or brine in the afternoon. Maybe a little less of a 1/4. I have bio-wheels on my penguin 330. I have a 3 1/2 in to 4 in deep sand bed. 40 lbs of live rock. Cpr bakpak 2r. Corals and hermits snails etc....I do montly water changes with ro water and run carbon and phosphate sponge once a month. What is the cause of my rise of nitrates????