Nitrate spike?


Hi, Question have a55 gal. been up for approx 8 months water has been fine tested 2x per month. I noticed that when idid my last water change my koran angle disappeared for about 2 days. I tested and my nitrates were of the chart, nitrites normal, ammonia 0 . Everything seems to be doing very well I tested again same results any help?????????????


New Member
Are you sure you are testing for nitrates correctly. Off the charts sounds suspect. Do you have alot of fish ? A skimmer ? I'm guessing the testing procedure was not done correctly.

nacl freak

Agreed. Off the charts would definately affect other parameters, as well as livestock.
Koran re-appeared? Feeding schedule, water changes, protein skimmer?


55gal aprox 75 pounds l/r approx 30lbl/s fish 1koran angel,clown.algae blenny copper banded angel, wrasse,and 5 asst.damsels..

nacl freak

Seaclones are not known for being very effective. Do you get much skim? A large water change won't hurt. Test water afterwards. You should see a drop in the trates. A drop will let you know you have a real problem.


.25 is not normal for nitrites. They should be zero, the only thing you should have any play in is the nitates, but definately not 100ppm. That's alot of fish for a 55 gallon tank, you may have too much bioload.
Are you planning on upgrading because the minimum tank need for angelfish is 100 gallons and only one angel should be kept in a tank, sometimes it works but you will probably lose one as they mature.