Nitrate test false?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ComputrGk
yeah i jus reread that and didn't hardly understand it at all i changed subjects there wow ah well I guess my question really is a quick way to lower nitrates so that it won't be as hard for my new filtration system to maintain good water quality i'm still rather frustrated though as all my inverts are doing great molting fine all that yet my nitrates are reading really high this goes aginst all conventional wisdom on inverts and nitrates :notsure: :notsure: this is certainly a head scratcher

as murph said, and i was about to post, before i read it. make sure your nitrites are at 0 and your tank is absolutely established, before you can determine the real amount of nitrates...


My nitrites and ammonia are both big fat 0's Ph is 8.2 8.4 haven't checked in a couple days on the ph it's just the nitrates tank is over a year old


yeah my water change water is all 0's it may be the LR havig a small amount of die off still that has been the only thing i can come up with or trace nitrates in the reef salt my guess now is my LR

sinner's girl

why would your lr have die off?
Test kits can be wrong, have you lfs test it. if they use the same test kit as you, find a lfs/someone who has a different test kit.


Active Member
The water changes is probably the right track. If those don't bring it down, than we have more investigating to do.