Nitrates and Air bubbles


I am in the process of cycling my tank (I think it's about done). I posted some numbers the other day, but would like to post an update for some feedback:
Salinity 1.0235
Nitrate 80 same as test two days ago
Nitrite 0
PH 8 (was showing a reading of 7.9 two days ago)
Ammonia 0 (was showing a reading between 0 & .25 two days ago)
I did a small water change with the remaining RO water I purchased at walmart (only about a 10% change) today. I am planning on doing a 25% change in a couple of days when I get my RO unit in and running. I'm concerned that my nitrates are so high. Is this because it's newly cycled, and will my water change help with this?
Also, I have air bubble all over in my tank floating around and on my live rock. My skimmer is turned down so much that water is barely flowing through it. I have a canister filter set up (Rena XP2) and right now that is my only water flow. I have two maxijet 900's ordered that should come in tomorrow. I can't tell where the air bubbles are coming from, I would think the only place would be my skimmer, but I can't turn it down anymore. It looks like air bubbles are coming out of my canister filter, but I'm guessing that it's just blowing them around. Anyone have any suggestions on this, or should I even be worried?
I'm finally showing signs of brown algae in my tank, is it ok to go ahead and add some snails or crabs, or should I wait until I get my nitrates down.


Active Member
You might check the connection on the intake hose of your cannister to make sure it's not sucking air in. Depending on the media it may hold air for a few days. Tap the side a few times to knock the air bubbles loose. I also use a cannister and if I bump it it will release air bubbles, I suppose from the bacteria at work. Water changes will bring your nitrates down. If you just set it up, give it another week or two before you get too excited about your trates.
Hope this helps & good luck.


Active Member
Doing 25% water change will help to lower your nitrates. Check it again in two days and do another 25% as needed until you get your nitrate down less then 20ppm, 0 is better though then you can add some clean up crews... :happyfish


Active Member
The tiny bubbles on your rock could also be respiration from algea. One way to check is to look at the rock first thing after lights on. If there are no bubbles present, check again after lights have been on for quite a while. If you have bubbles then it's probably the algea. Once you get a clean up crew going (turbo's worked for me) the bubbles should go away.
If however, the bubbles are there first thing and later, look for an air leak somewhere.
Good Luck!