Nitrates are at 0


Active Member
Well for the first time in 3 years, my nitrates are at 0.
Checked with two different test kits.
Tank was pretty static for about 2 years then about 4 months ago I went from a 90 down to a 65. Moved everything over.
During the move I did a 50% water change using RO and have been toping off/doing water changes with RO. Prior to that I was using distilled, and carbon filtered tap.
Since the move and rigid use of RO nitrate has been steadily decreasing from 20ppm to 0.
As I have added some occupants to the tank in this time - mostly in the last month, feeding has also increased - about twice what I was feeding before.
Last time I did a water change was about a month ago (Doing one this weekend).
It may be the clam, it may be the Xenia, but I am convinced it's the water as the readings were on their way down before they were added to the tank.
Saving for a RO/DI (Typhoon III) unit as I am now convinced beyond doubt of the advantages.


Active Member
It's always nice to see proof about the advantages of RO water. Thanks for sharing!! :joy:


Active Member
that typohhon 3 is a nice unit. i am waiting to get a little extra ash so i can have it in my possession.


Active Member
I've got about $130 saved. I have been doing a side job setting up a network for a friends office and should be getting some extra cash soon. Hopefully I'll have enough to get the RO/DI, a return pump and a few other items. Been spending alot on the tank recently, but I have to admit the results have been dramatic.