nitrates high... 20ppm


i always chalked it up to my tap water.. but it's not as i tested that today and it has 0...
my trates are at about 20-40ppm, the color is in between i'd say... i use a fluval which i have media in, so i am thinking thats the problem right there... do you agree that it could have something to do with it?
it's a 60 breeder, whisper 60 HOB, seaclone skimmer (i like it, dont say it), fluval 203, 3 powerheads rated from 150 - 250 gph...
80lbs live rock...
the other problem could be a pistol shrimp... what do you think? he is excavating all day long, i assume he's hitting some sort of pockets in the sand.
ideas? suggestion?


Check your sponges in the fluva. They should be cleaned once a week. Do you have any algae problems.


no, no algea issues at all... i dont think i have floss in the fluval (yes, i've forgotten).. i have the carbon and the little fluval media bio ball things... they are probably an issue. i'm hoping it's something simple like that... but then again it could be the fact i moved ALL my rocks 2 weeks ago and stirred up EVERYTHING in the process.


If you have enough LR and LS then I would take the Bio-balls and ceramic rings, if any, out and that may help. Also cleaning your sponges can help alot as well, as mention before.