Nitrates not dropping


So I have had sky high nitrates for about 2 weeks now. I am changing my floss and charcoal daily. I have done 1 25% water change so far.
Should I do another?
Running 20lbs of live rock
30 lbs of live sand
no fish, only hitchhikers clams.
25 gallons.
I am guessing I should just keep doing water changes every 2-3 days till I see a sign they are dropping. I am hoping to get my sump/fuge up and running by next week, but we'll have to see if I have the $$.


Active Member
Honestly, small water changes are not going to bring down high nitrates. You need to do one large water change, followed by a few small ones to get the nitrates down.


Active Member
It took about a month to get my nitrates from 80 to 10. It was 20 for about 3 weeks. Finally i got it to 10. I did one big change and a few small changes.


Get a Hang on Back Refugium (CPR type) and fill it with sand, rubble, and macroalgae. My nitrates and phosphates went to zero within 2 weeks.


New Member
I have the same problem with high nitrate. I have a new set up and have a ecosystem. but some plans are dying. Is that the reason?
Mine is about 50.


Active Member
Well, by ecosystem, what do you mean? Your plants dying are definitely causing some nitrate production. Figure out why they are dying. Is the flow they are getting too strong? Are they getting enough light daily? Is the light they are getting enough wattage?


i have the same problem in my 46 gallon tank i change every week 15% - 20% water
and the nitrates did not drop down. i got from the beginnig seaclone skimmer and because the bubble i didn't let it work. last week i open it about 1 day again becuase the buble i let it work 4 hour and stop for 1 hour day after i keep the same . and i check the nitreates
after the firs day it's drop to 40 the second day it's drop to 20 now i have 10. by the way all the other result drop to to 0 . just my ph keep to stay on 7.8 even when i try with kent
ph buffer. i am not expert but i am sure that after i skimm the water the result for all my test change. by the way i dont recommend the seaclone because you need to adjust this all the time and it's driving crazy .
hope it's help
best regards


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brycewood
So I have had sky high nitrates for about 2 weeks now. I am changing my floss and charcoal daily. I have done 1 25% water change so far.
Should I do another?
Running 20lbs of live rock
30 lbs of live sand
no fish, only hitchhikers clams.
25 gallons.
I am guessing I should just keep doing water changes every 2-3 days till I see a sign they are dropping. I am hoping to get my sump/fuge up and running by next week, but we'll have to see if I have the $$.
First has the tank actually cycled??? If the tank hasn't actually cycled your compounding the problem by doing water changes......IMO I would dump the floss... That stuff traps alot of junk and with your water constantly running through that "junk" in the floss your just keeping the stuff in the water....Charcoal is fine, but honestly don't see a need for it to be run at this point in time.......
How big is your tank?? Has it cycled yet? or completely?


I was given the advice of just doing a big water chang and then follow it with smmaler ones.