I have read that biowheels become nitrAtes factories.
My water parameters are PH 8.2, Ammonia 0, NitrItes 0, but the reading for nitrAtes has been going up steadly for the last three weeks, it is currently at 40, I have CC substrate, I changed 20 % of the water last week, the same day I did vacuum the CC.
Based on your experience, Should I get rid of the biowheel ???? Should the LR and the bacteria on the CC enough to take care of the nitrItes ???
My water parameters are PH 8.2, Ammonia 0, NitrItes 0, but the reading for nitrAtes has been going up steadly for the last three weeks, it is currently at 40, I have CC substrate, I changed 20 % of the water last week, the same day I did vacuum the CC.
Based on your experience, Should I get rid of the biowheel ???? Should the LR and the bacteria on the CC enough to take care of the nitrItes ???