

New Member
Does anyone know what els I can do for high nitrate levels. I have a very aggressive tank. Grouper, Dog face puffer, 2 triggers. Currently I have two large filter systems live rock and this tank has been up for over a year. I am constantly doing water changes. Any help would be appreciated. THank you Jennifer


Well-Known Member
Adding plant life will reduce your nitrAtes. To protect that plant life you probably will have to have some type of refugium.


What is the filtration that you currently run? Adding a fuge with some Macro's should help as BB stated. If you run a lot of mechanical media (not a bad idea IMO if you are religious about cleaning it) junk may build up in those and cause high nitrates.


New Member
Thank you both, I will try cleaning the filters more. I have been changing them onece a month or so perhaps that is whats doing it. I live in california, so far I have not been able to buy any plant life unfortunatly. Thanks again. Jennifer


It 'should' help. I clean my mechanical filter(s) (pads and a 200 micron sock over the feed from the overflow) once a week when i do my water changes.


Well-Known Member
plant life does not have to be say macros you pay for and can not import to california.
Plant life also includes hair algae. A refugium can have some screens to allow hair algae to thrive. And that will bring down your nitrAtes. As will just letting the algae grow in the display.


i have not tried it yet but the lfs said to add a tuxedo urchin. they didnt have any at the time or i would of tried it.


Active Member
Here we go with another plant life story.:rolleyes:
Do you have a skimmer? How much turn over? DSB or just a coating of sand?
You need to get the crap out before it decays. Large turn over keeps it suspended for the filters. A skimmer also helps. IMO, a bunch of hair ain't gunna keep up unless it's a BIG tank.


New Member
Hi, I just orderd a skimmer, I have a large sand base. I thought that the fish were eating all of the food that I put in but if the nitrates are high does it mean that they are not? Thank you for your reply Jennifer


Active Member
They eat all the food and poop all the food. It's still in the system. It needs to be taken out. Higher flow so the filters can get to it, ect....


Agreed w/ dburr. Keep those filter pads clean and that skimmer should help, btw what skimmer did you order?