

I have 2 saltwater tanks and 1 the readings is 0 and the other itis 0-.3 how do I get it down to 0?


That is like asking...
"How long will it take for two trains, one starting in New York, and the other in Los Angeles, to meet if the first is travelling at 60 MPH?"
How fast is the second train going, are they on the same track, or will they need to switch tracks, etc etc.....
We need more information to help you out, although Nitrates that low are no big deal.
Most people don't panic until they are well into the 20+ range.
What type of filtration, tank, inhabitants, etc are in each tank. Where are the tanks located in the house, near windows, in a basement, on the roof, or in the driveway?
You get the point. Anything can be effecting Nirates, but .3 is darn good.


i wouldnt sweat it too much either. a lil trates wont hurt much, I would do a 20% H2O change and keep and eye on it.


Thanx for the replies. Here is what is in the tank that has 0 ni. @10# of lr a fumanchu lion, a snowflake eel, and a huma huma trigger. The equip is a skilter 250, a power filter, and a power head.
In the tank that has .3 ni. @125# of lr a mated pair of manderin dragonettes, firefish, and false perculas. Also thee is a scissor tail goby, lawnmower blenny, and a royal gramma. The inverts are a brittle star, a blue star, @4 snails, a colony of black sponge, some mushroom rock, and some macro algea. The filtration is a power filter, a seaclone skimmer, and powerhead. All the fish are doing good just wondering how to lower the ni.