
I can't Lower my Nitrates no matter what I do.. I have a 225 gallon fo Tank. I had a 100 gallon water change which did nothing Then I did a 200 Gallon change a week later and That did nothing.. I'm open for Suggestions I do use a Skimmer


Active Member
water changes don't really lower nitrates at all... they may help very temporarily but not worth the effort of massive water changes. The only effective way to lower nitrates is to use a refugium. I am not a fan of DSB's and especially in a fish only tank. Otherwise what are the levels at? For a fo tank, nitrates aren't nearly important to keep down.


water changes do lower trates but only temporarily, what kind of filtration are you using? ie wet dry, hob filters, ect, a refugium with a dsb and macro algaes would help alot depending on your bioload.


Answer the following:
When you did your water change, what was your water source?
Have you ever tested your water change water for nitrates?
Do you use a pre filter to the wet dry?
Take a hand full of your bio balls and a few cups of tank water or fresh salt water and mix the two in a container, does a bunch of junk come off of the bio balls?
What kind of fish and do you over feed? To many frozen foods? Does it all get eaten?
What kind of cleanup crew?



Originally posted by TheReefManiac
What can I get for a Clean up crew compatible with a Lion, French Angel, Queen Angel, Rock Beauty, Power Blue Tang?

Well... a protein skimmer, algae scrapper, RO/DI water and a good mech filter. Anything else will get eaten.


I agree with Waterfaller you need to be removing the bio balls as your tank matures. The same thing happened in one of my tanks untill i got rid of them completely.