nitrite and nitrate very high


30 gal tank, it used to have fish, but they are in a qt for the conditions of the water, i also have two shrimps, 50 lb live rock. Magnun 350 bio filter, termometer at 82 degrees and treating the tank with cycle (started the first dose yesterday)
i know the nitrite and nitrate are part of the biological cycle of the tank. and if you have it present is a sign of your beneficial bacteria starting to be created.
1. but how long does this take? the water and the filter were put 2 months ago, the fish were added a month ago(total 2 months and a week?
2. the other questions is, after this bacteria is created, would i get nitrite and nitrate high again?
3. the last question, would coral accelerate this process? if not, when would it be safe to add coral
thank you


Your tank is in cycle and I would not add anything right now.You should see the nitrite start to drop you need it to be 0 and the nitrate may get to 0 or it may be readable but you want it low 10 or below.Nitrate your fish will be ok nitrite is harmful but not as harmful as ammonia. There is no set time frame for a cycle all tanks do it diffent depend on LR / LS etc. With proper water change weekly and after the nitrite is 0 it sould stay that way and not come back unless you over feed for have something big die. I have not had it come back in 2 years but I do water changes regularly and dont over feed. I would wait on the corals till you get the hang of water management on you tanks needs coral need perfect water to strive and I would hate to see you loss coral / $$$$

sinner's girl

don't add anything, esp. corals, till am and nitrites are zero, then do a water change to bring nitrates under 20. Then I'd wait a week and check water again, see if you're good or if you need to do a water change. Then slowly and carefully add fish/inverts.
but how long does this take?
Depends and it varys, just keep checking your water once a week. when you see zero am and zero nitrites, and nitrates you're good to go.
the other questions is, after this bacteria is created, would i get nitrite and nitrate high again?
After am is created you will get nitrites, then nitrites will become nirtrats.
the last question, would coral accelerate this process? if not, when would it be safe to add coral
coral would die, you can add coral in about 6-12months when your tank is established. That is, when your water is stable. No need to rush.