Nitrite not going down - help


We have a 20 gallon tank and it has been set up for 3 weeks? I think, but still hasn't finished cycling, we didn't use live rock or sand.
We had really high ammonia for a week, it was on 8.0ppm, everyone on this site recommended water changes, we did about 3 or 4 water changes, about 10% each one, the ammonia has dropped and has now been on 0 for the last week and is going fine.
Now, the problem seems to be the Nitrite, it has been on 5 for 2 weeks straight, I'm sure it should have come down by now.
The Nitrate has been on 10 since day 1, it jumped up to 40, we did a water change and then it went back to 10. Now sometime in the last 3 days it has risen back to 40.
We have a lot of algae growing in the tank, but I have been told this happens in new set ups.
I am thinking something may not be right in our tank, could the reason the nitrates have jumped up to 40 be that the nitrite is ready to drop? Just seems all odd to me.
We have a yellow tail damsel in the tank, he has been in there since a few days after we set the tank up, and has lived through it all.
Any ideas on how long it is going to take for things to come right?
Thanks for any help

al mc

Active Member
Sounds to me that your nitrogen cycle is progressing, even if a bit slowly. I think it is encouraging that you are getting nitrates. The bacteria responsible for ammonia to nitrites is at a good level, and the bacteria that takes nitrites to trates is developing slower. It always did in my initial tanks as well. I would just stick to water changes and feel you have another 10-14 days before the nitrite levels fall.
If you are getting a lot of algae it is possible that you are feeding too much.
Just a thought.


Ash, I had the same thing happen to me. I (not knowing a darn thing before comming to this site) set up my tank and cycled with 4 damsels. The ammonia came down, but my nitrite was high for over a month. I kept doing water changes, and adding Amquel Plus. Finaly I left the tank alone, with the exception of daily 10-15% changes to dillute, and it finished cycling. If you do too much then the nitrifying bacteria that converts nitrite to nitrate will not establish. Do changes to keep it from being high, but do not try to keep it at zero. This damsel survived 8.0 ammonia. Nitrite, at not too high, is a nice vacation for him. Keep the nitrite low, but allow some to be there. This is your diplay. It has to cycle. Keep the water flow high. Feed high quality frozen foods, add vitamines and FRESH garlic. Keep the fish's immune system high. This is very important. Healthy fish can take a punch, so to speak.


sepulatian said:
Feed high quality frozen foods, add vitamines and FRESH garlic.
We are currently feeding him Mysis Shrimp and marine flakes.
How do I go about adding vitamines and garlic? I wouldnt know about any of that sort of thing yet so any help will be appreciated.
We have moved our rocks around to get more flow through the tank, it wasnt getting much before, could not much flow have been contributing to the high nitrite?


PH is on 8.2, and not sure of alkalinity, don't have a test kit for that.
We are using the Salt Water Master Liquid Test Kit from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.


Ashleigh234 said:
sepulatian said:
Feed high quality frozen foods, add vitamines and FRESH garlic.
We are currently feeding him Mysis Shrimp and marine flakes.
How do I go about adding vitamines and garlic? I wouldnt know about any of that sort of thing yet so any help will be appreciated.
We have moved our rocks around to get more flow through the tank, it wasnt getting much before, could not much flow have been contributing to the high nitrite?
Don't move your rock to accommodate the flow, add more flow to accommodate the rock and fish. How much flow do you have? You should have a powerhead at both ends of the tank. The diet is poor. Pick up some frozen formula foods in a flat package, not cubed. The cubes will be to large. Pick up some vitachem, zoecon, selcon, or reef plus. While the food is defrosting in a special cup (I sterilized a plastic snapple lid) add the vitamines. For the fresh garlic, you will have to crush it yourself. Don't buy bottled garlic. Beth has directions on crushing garlic in her Common Treatments FAQ located at the top of the Disease and Treatment board.


We dont feed a whole cube, we get several days out of one cube.
We don't have any powerheads in there yet, I had a look at some, but had no idea what to buy (we have a corner tank) - any suggestions?
The rocks in the tank were kind of blocking the bottom of the filter so I don't think it could suck up much. the water was clear, but dont think it was good enough. it will be wokring a lot better now i assume.
I will look into the garlic idea.
Also - we are going to buy/build a sump at some stage soon, what size would it need to be? We have a 20gallon tank