Nitrite Spike STILL- PLEASE HELP sepulatian


On 2/11, while doing water level tests I originally saw that my Nitrite had spiked between 2 & 4. I did a 10 percent waterchange on the 12th and the morning of the 13th i checked and the nitrite was completely gone, acording to my test kit... later on the 13th i rechecekd my nitrite to be sure and it had gone back up. i decided to let things sit for a while, thinking that it was giong to be a little cycle and now it is 2/17 and i just checked my levels and my Nitrite was at a solid 4. the ammonia still seems to be at 0 and the Nitrate still at 1. What is going on here??? :help:


and if this isnt frustrating enough for the last 4 days SWF.COM message boards have been all messed up for me. Infact im not even sure if you'll be able to see this th read because i am able to create this but when i go to new hobbiest and look for it it doesnt show this thread. it shows that Fast water evaporation.
BlackburnD is the latest thread even when i just made this. when you look at a thread then go back and refresh the number of views doesnt change. its like its stuck on a certain date. i know everyone elses is working but why isnt mine? i have exited out of internet explorer, re logged in, even restarted my computer for some reason. WHAT is going on!!


Active Member
The site is having problems right now... don't worry. We can see your posts.
How long has your tank been set up? What do you use for filtration? What is in the tank? What kind of water do you use? Do you have a wet/dry filter?


Originally Posted by Sly
The site is having problems right now... don't worry. We can see your posts.
How long has your tank been set up? What do you use for filtration? What is in the tank? What kind of water do you use? Do you have a wet/dry filter?

the tank is a 58 gallon. i've only had it set up for about a month and a half. the previous owner had it running for years (when i transfered i took his water, live sand, and live rock too) but with nothing in it. i only have done 1 water change before the nitrite spiked. it was a 20 gallon water change and i used the water from my old 20g that i transfered to this tank. for top offs i use r/o from the grocery store, i do not have a wet/dry i have a sump that has a berlin classic protein skimmer in it


Originally Posted by Sly
The site is having problems right now... don't worry. We can see your posts.
How long has your tank been set up? What do you use for filtration? What is in the tank? What kind of water do you use? Do you have a wet/dry filter?

the tank is a 58 gallon. i've only had it set up for about a month and a half. the previous owner had it running for years (when i transfered i took his water, live sand, and live rock too) but with nothing in it. i only have done 1 water change before the nitrite spiked. it was a 20 gallon water change and i used the water from my old 20g that i transfered to this tank. for top offs i use r/o from the grocery store, i do not have a wet/dry i have a sump that has a berlin classic protein skimmer in it


could it have anything to do with the protein skimmer? i just checked it to make sure everything ws working and i did notice that i didnt have the valves open enough and it wasnt diong much of anything... also if it would help i have a PURA Filtration Pad that filters solids, organics, ammonia, phosphate, medications, lead, copper, and silicates. if that is a good thing where do i put it?


Right now i have:
1 Maroon Clownfish
Aprox. 12 Astrea/Turbo Snails
8 Nassarius Snails
3 Blueleg Hermit Crabs
3 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
Assorted Zooanthids
Zooanthid Sun Pollyps
and there seems to be some algea on the cront glass and sand heres a pic



Active Member
That pad is designed to be put in a high flow area. If all you have is a skimmer on it. There really isn't much of a place to put it. I'd let it sit for a while more. I know I had high trites for about 3 weeks before it finally leveled out.


as far as the algea, is that bad? i have a little clean up crew right now and im planning on getting plenty more


the tank is a 58 gallon. i've only had it set up for about a month and a half. the previous owner had it running for years (when i transfered i took his water, live sand, and live rock too) but with nothing in it. i only have done 1 water change before the nitrite spiked. it was a 20 gallon water change and i used the water from my old 20g that i transfered to this tank. for top offs i use r/o from the grocery store, i do not have a wet/dry i have a 20g sump that has a berlin classic skimmer in it. when the nitrite first spiked i did a 10 gallon water change and the nitrite is still back up.. could it have anything to do with the protein skimmer? i just checked it to make sure everything was working and i did notice that i didnt have the valves open enough and it wasnt doing much of anything...


Active Member
not really it is part of the cycling process. There are other factors for algea but if your water going in is good then the problem will solve itself up. I think.


New Member
New to the hobby, but this may help, may not. I’m just now doing the same thing with a new tank, a 90gal, I had a 29 before and when it cycled it took almost a month for my spikes to go away, this time I have a little more equipment. Like a skimmer and more live sand to help the process. I hope!
One cleaner per gallon, you seem a little on the low side IMO, that will help with the algae from getting too out of hand. The levels will come around in time. It may take a little while because it sounds like there was no load on the system. Less food for a lot of the good little cleaning critters to get established. I thought that you were not supposed to do a change until the water levels normalized... I don’t know for sure. Waiting is the hardest part and I hate it. What is in your sump, and what are your feeding and lighting cycles?

yeffre kix

If you want cleaner sand, get a little sand sifting goby like a Golden Head. They are fun to watch too. They swim around the bottom taking in mouthfuls of sand and passing it out through the gills.
As far as the glass goes, you'll have to keep that clean manually with s daily once-over from an algae magnet.


New Member
Onyx Clowns Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 359
The "brown" algae is likely diatoms. If you are having algae bloom and diatoms, it might be safe to add a cleanup crew. POssibly wait one more week. I would check ammonia anyway, but the algae bloom is typical of the end stages of a cycle."
From "when is my tank done cycling"
This may help some?


Originally Posted by DPerna
thanks everyone, glad to know i could add some more clean up crew soon!
Hey DPerna, Sorry I must have missed this. Don't add anything for awhile. That stuff on your sand is diatoms. Your cleanup crew will help some, but they will not clear it all no matter how many you have. It is ugly, but will go away on it's own. What is your current nitrite reading? The last one I saw on here was a reading of 4. That is highly dangerous. Have you set up the small qt tank yet? I STRONGLY recomend you pull your clown out of there while your tank continues to cycle. Water changes will help, but again it will also make the cycle take even longer. Your tank has a constant supply of ammonia and enough bacteria to break that down but not enough to break down the nitrite. You have to stabelize your tank.