nitrites rising


The Eel and Angel are too big for that tank even if they were the only fish in the tank. Figure like this SW Tanks you get 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons of water. Even the smallest eel gets 6 inches or so so even by itself the Eel is too big for that tank. You could probably get away with a 6 inch eel by itself with good filtering but no way with the rest of the stuff in the tank too. It needs to go back even if levels stay the same.
On to the Flame Angel. Yes Max size on a Flame Angel is about 4-5 inches (it is a pygmy angel species) but from what I can tell you are looking for quantity of fish not quality of fish. The Flame Angel is almost all you can keep in that tank. Also if you are looking to go reef with this tank, there is some debate as to the reef safe status of Flame Angels...some say they make lunch out of your soft corals, some do not.
If you want more fish then you need to look at species that only get 2-3 inches in length when fully grown.
Not tryin to bust ya bubble just layin out the facts as I have learned them bein on this message board.


Active Member
for sure take back the snowflake eel and the dwarf flame angel you shouldnt get a flame angel until you have had your tank running for a couple of months and this is a good rule to go by
3-5 gallons of water per adult inch


i know......
i'm getting a 90 gallon....soon....
that and my eel is only 4 inches....and there is lots of rock work for him...
well why did you ask questions anyways? Every person that has answered your post has told you that your tank has not cycled. But, you seem to not believe them. I tend to agree with them. Changeing the water will only prolong your cycle. My 55 gal sat for 1 month with LR, DSB, and filter, and never cycled by itself. You need something to create the ammonia to start your cycle. It really does not matter if your tank sat for 17 days or 1 year. You need to add somthing to start a HUGE ammonia spike. But, you know this all ready, right? I just feel sorry for the fish that will have live in a tank that is not properly cared for.


what is your problem?
dont talk to me like that.....
jesus, i'm on here all the time trying to figure out whats best for the fish...
my lfs said my tank was ammonia went up, then down, nitrites went up then down, nitrates went up a little then kinda came down.......
i had a big algae bloom towards the end....i was told that was a cycle....on this forum....out of all the questions i asked....i guess i didn't ask if you needed to wait in between fish.....i have never heard anything like am trying to figure out what i can do to save these fish...they are really great fish, very active, great personalities.....and before i start driving them across the city back and forth i would like to try and help them here....


Active Member
Enough already kids.
Don't make me come out there!!!!
But frozenguy, just some advice, your thread is following a predictable pattern. People have given suggestions, they feel it hasn't been followed, and they are getting sarcastic/frustrated and starting to throw jabs. Just a warning. You may find it becoming even less informative.
You realize now that there were some questions you didn't ask, and now they have become important.
And you also now have the answers to them.
You've learned your tank wasn't properly cycled (and, FWIW, even if it was, your LFS was wrong to sell you so many fish, so many inappropriate fish at one time).
And you've said that you wish you didn't have the eel and the angel...that is easily solved.
They can be returned.
I personally don't care for stores that have SuperBowl sales on fish, because this sends the wrong information- go out, fill your tank full of pretty fish for the party and big game for cheap and who cares if they die. This says a lot to me about your LFS. :(