

I have a 55g hope to be reef tank. Its 6 weeks old. It seemed as if my tank had cycled but now Im having problems. My nitrites are .5 ammonia .5 and nitrates about 40. Ive been adding what I thought was cured live rock almost weekly and have a totalof about 45lbs. I have done only 1 water change, only because it seemed like I had some decaying food in there right where my frozen food always lands. So I vaccumed that area and have reduced the amt. of food. Anyone have any input or suggestions.:help:


Your live rock probably started the cycle and its still not over yet. You need to wait it out and not add anymore food or do any water changes until you ammonia and nitrite are gone.


Active Member

Originally posted by jjgl
Yes thats why the no food thing surprised me

By continueing to feed them you'll just keep prolonging the cycle by adding more waste to the tank. Add all the LR you want now and let it cycle. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by jjgl
Could it have been overfeeding??

Unfortunately fish shouldn't have been put in until the tank was cycled. :D


Oh you have fish in there, too bad I hope they don't die. What kind of fish? If you can, return them or least have your lfs hold onto them until your tank is done cycling. Also you should only add one fish or two small fish to your tank when its done cycling. Then add other fish say in a month from now.