NM Reef-a question


I would of posted on your other thread put i am going to read the rest while i wait for you to reply
I like your approach and was wondering if you could spare some time to go into a little detail about the nessesity of performing water changes every week....if you already did that in your post i will find out after i finish reading it and sorry for the waste of time
the reason i ask this is because I have been in this hobby for only about 1 year but have read over 6 books about it and my tank is doing fine, yet not excellant but I can't afford to do water changes every week because of the price of salt (have a job i work 21 hours a week and am only 15 and am saving for college and also the rest of the hobby cost me the rest of my money)
but i want to make m tank perfect (well as close as perfect as anyother living thing) and am wondering if there is another way to gain the benifits of water change with out really doing them


reefer- one of the major benifits of waterchanges is getting the excess no2 and no3 out of the watercolum as well as all of the organic matter. this stuff builds up rapidly waterchanges make life easier on your live rock and dsb (if you run one) another bennifit is that saltwater has trace elements absorb by all the living creatures in these ecosystems. when you do a waterchange you are replenishing these trace elemnts so you dont need to go out and but all the bottles to dose..... i hth and if you need me to clarify anymore please ask..... the reason you should do % on a weekly or bi- weekly schedual is so that you dont change the salinity to drasticly or the temp ect ect, these are factors that could lead to shock and death if not done properly

nm reef

Active Member
Some basic reasons that I do regular water changes.
One...I believe it is a good idea to replace trace elements that may be consumed...and most salt mix products contain trace elements that attempt to simulate natural sea water.
Two...from what I understand it is possible for organics and potential toxins to accumulate...items we fail to test for and water changes can possibly dilute any potential build ups.
Third...I seldom take a bath in the same water I took my previous bath in...not a good reason I know...but thats just the way I am.
But its a good question...I routinely remove/replace about 5-10 gal weekly...and have for a few years now...for me its part of my weekly maintenance schedule. But I fully relize that many reefkeepers have success not doing water changes at all...there are without doubt many ways to maintain water chemistry and I've explained a part of what I do...it works for me and other ways work just as well for other people.:thinking: