No air bubbles used for saltwater?


New Member
I was reading in another thread where it was stated not to use any kind of bubbles (air pumps, bubble wands, ect..) and I just wanted to check if thats right. I currently have my powerhead pushing out bubbles, I thought all fish liked this, at least my freshwater fish loved it but if it is bad for saltwater then I need to unhook the air tube. Any help would be appreciated.


Its should be ok for the fish. However if you have any corals it can do harm. The bubbles can get into an oral cavity of the coral and rupture. (Like an anurism in a human). HTH


Active Member
bubbles aren't necessary and they can also get stuck on a fishes gills i have heard and irritate the fish. to stop your powerhead from pushing out airbubbles turn it up side down while it is on and shake it vigorously(spelling). that should get all the trapped air out.


New Member
Thank you all for your input and I went ahead and made the bubbles stop. If they are not needed then I am glad. I didn't like them in my tank anyway. Thanks again.