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I am so sorry mk4fan. How far into it are you now? Are you still getting ammonia readings?
Thanks Sep, only first week of hypo
Some of the fish got worst after 3rd day and eventually perished.
I am showing 0.2 ammonia using the instant ocean test right now. Just dosed 16 oz of amquel and will be doing another 25% water change as soon as ro unit makes the water.
I tested PH and ammonia everyday and as soon as i had reached 1.009 thats when things went bad, which was expected but wasn't prepared for the amount of die off.
Do you think my fish died from high ammonia, the highest it reached was 0.8 on the second day at 1.009. My hawaian flame wrasse which never showed any signs of ich ended up really bloated and looking like a pinecone, he ended up being eaten alive by the angels
I had an asfur angel become fully covered with ich spots 2nd day at 1.009 and then died the next day.
Does the hypo kill all ich in the water column immediately? The reason why i ask is because my asfur did not show the signs of ich until i had reached 1.009. So i am wondering if he already had ich and i did not see, or the ich is still alive in the water column at 1.009.
I am using a calibrated refractometer and pinpoint salinity calibration fluid.