No choice but to hypo display with live rock


Being this is your first week and you still have ammonia, are you SURE that you cannot go to the store and get some rubbermaid tubs to pull this rock out? You can slowly raise the SG on the rock which will help any life left on/ in the rock and stop the die off. As for the fish, the first week is the hardest on them as well. The ich parasite does not die immediately. They panic and try to embed themselves into a host (your fish). The added stress of ammonia and whatever else will make your fish succumb to the parasite easily. The wrasse sounds like he got dropsy which is an infection that is brought on by a low immune system. Stress lowers the immune system. Let's talk about what can be done at this point to save the rest of your stock. If you absolutely cannot find a place for a couple of bins (they are not all that big) then you will have to be on top of water changes. What are you feeding your fish? Add vitamines and fresh garlic to their foods. It will boost their immune system and give them a chance to fight back.


Sorry to hear about your losses.
I agree with sepulatian. I would pull the rock and do a water change.Again,a tupperware tub does not take up that much room. Even stick it in a garage,or again maybe your LFS will let you keep it there while your fish are in hypo.
ope it all works out


New Member
Things are better today, ammonia is at zero and this is before the 25% water change i just did. Thanks for the info Sep, thats what i thought about the wrasses and other fish.
Wish i could set up rubbermaid tubs, would have done that to start if i could. Going to ride this out and keep up with the water changes. Hopefully the tank and rock will bounce back.
I made lots of mistakes but one of them was adding fish while dropping the salinity down. Should not have done this like you said, the added stress and the desperate ich was not good for the fish.
Do you think once my tank recovers from the ammonia spike and after 3 weeks of hypo i could introduce some new fish and continue to hypo?


Originally Posted by mk4fan
Things are better today, ammonia is at zero and this is before the 25% water change i just did. Thanks for the info Sep, thats what i thought about the wrasses and other fish.
Wish i could set up rubbermaid tubs, would have done that to start if i could. Going to ride this out and keep up with the water changes. Hopefully the tank and rock will bounce back.
I made lots of mistakes but one of them was adding fish while dropping the salinity down. Should not have done this like you said, the added stress and the desperate ich was not good for the fish.
Do you think once my tank recovers from the ammonia spike and after 3 weeks of hypo i could introduce some new fish and continue to hypo?
No, once you introduce new fish the timeline has to start over. Hyposalinity is not stressful unless the fish are kept in it for long periods of time.


Originally Posted by mk4fan
Do you think once my tank recovers from the ammonia spike and after 3 weeks of hypo i could introduce some new fish and continue to hypo?
I wouldn't add any new fish for a couple of months. How many many and what fish did you start with in your 125 before you began hypo?


New Member
Still having ammonia problems, guess the only thing i can do is water changes and keep dosing amquel :(


Originally Posted by mk4fan
Still having ammonia problems, guess the only thing i can do is water changes and keep dosing amquel :(
MK4fan, I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time. How are the fish doing? What is you ammonia reading now? Do you have nitrites from this?


New Member
Thanks Sep, this is what i get for not listening..... :)
Here is whats left in the tank:
5" emperor angel
4" regal angel
5" lineatus fairy wrasse
2" fire fish x3
2" bicolor blenny
and believe it or not two dwarf zebra hermit crabs.
I ran out of test kits and had to order some, took 4 days to get to me so did not test the tank until last night and couldn't believe how high ammonia was .8!
All fish are eatting and behaving normal, but i noticed just last night that the scales on my fairy wrasse are starting to raise a bit at the ends, not alot like dropsy but the scales are more visible now. This fairy wrasse never showed any signs of ich so i'm hoping its not bacteria infection, maybe due to the high ammonia?
Dose 10 oz. of amquel last night in order to get it to zero. Will test nitrite and nitrates tonight and get back to you. Also making water for water change as we speak.


MK, I do hope that you can get those levels down. It is adding stress to fish that are already stressed by parasites.The wrassie may be getting an infection and it would have to do with the ammonia. It is toxic to fish and burns their gills. Have the ich dropped off yet? I am so sorry if I came off harsh at the beggining of this thead. I certainly didn't mean to. How far into hypo are you now (how many days)? Are you adding vitamines and fresh garlic to their foods to boost their immune system? It is so important that you keep them as healthy as possible durring this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mk4fan
Thanks Sep, this is what i get for not listening..... :)
Here is whats left in the tank:
5" emperor angel
4" regal angel
5" lineatus fairy wrasse
2" fire fish x3
2" bicolor blenny
and believe it or not two dwarf zebra hermit crabs.
I ran out of test kits and had to order some, took 4 days to get to me so did not test the tank until last night and couldn't believe how high ammonia was .8!
All fish are eatting and behaving normal, but i noticed just last night that the scales on my fairy wrasse are starting to raise a bit at the ends, not alot like dropsy but the scales are more visible now. This fairy wrasse never showed any signs of ich so i'm hoping its not bacteria infection, maybe due to the high ammonia?
Dose 10 oz. of amquel last night in order to get it to zero. Will test nitrite and nitrates tonight and get back to you. Also making water for water change as we speak.
Well, if you were in houston, I have a couple of tanks we could set up as qt tanks for you little friends, or your live rock. Good luck, and enjoy your kid, if you teach em young your have a little fishtank helper for life.