No connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda


Active Member
I'm sorry but I'm a Christian. I believe Jesus would come before that ever happened and we would have a the anti-christ and all that before we suddenly blew up. I believe that the world will end in 2012 as much as I believe that Bush was a good president. (My Avatar explains how much I believe that

aztec reef

Active Member
I don't understand how you don't see the comings of a new ERA..Its not the end of the world..what does revelations say? isn't that the last book in the bible? well guess what we're begining to enter the era of Aquarius..
each era takes 26,000 years.. there's 12 eras in the Zodiac contellations.
You haven't seen an increase on drough,floods,hurricanes,tsunamis,earthquakes,global warming?
doesn't the bible fortells of the apocalypse?
Even Albert einstein warned of polar shift.. So i guess everybody is wrong not just the mayans..


Active Member
I haven't realy looked into it. And quite frankly, I don't care. I sounds depressing to me. If this were true then I'd never get a chance to get married, start a family, build my dream shark pond, have kids, have a son to help practice baseball and basketball with, the list goes on.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I haven't realy looked into it. And quite frankly, I don't care. I sounds depressing to me. If this were true then I'd never get a chance to get married, start a family, build my dream shark pond, have kids, have a son to help practice baseball and basketball with, the list goes on.
Do you really think you'll be alive when the End takes place? all of the things that are happening are just the begining of the ERA. planet EARTH will survive for at least another 26,000 years, so you got nothing to worry about..


Active Member
Ok well you mentioned something about sun's rays penatrating earth or something. I don't know.
Like I said, I realy don't give a care. I personaly think all this hurricane, storms, irregular weather is caused by global warming, which the whole sun thing may have a part of, but I realy don't know and frankly care. As long as I'm going to heaven, and live life to the fullest I don't want to know when I'm going to die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Well you should put more faith in it cause NASA does..Whenever they make an Astronomical calculations they go by the mayan calendar..
The ancients recorded time using a 13 moon counting system and it goes back 500,000 years..The Mayan calendar is considered one of the most accurate calendars that has ever existed, It has withstood great accuracy throughout the centuries even with the calendars of today..
NASA predicts that on 2012 the Sun will reverse its own magnetic poles, As a result of the end of our current 11 year sunspot cycle.Scientists believe that this will have a profound effect on the EARTH's own magnetic field, as result in protons from the Sun can easily penetrate the earth's surface.
Nostradamus fortold A time of strife leading to the third Great-war between the years 2006-2012..(WWIII anyone?)
According to some people the chinese I-ching ends on 2012 also.
All of that has nothing to do with what I posted, however...