No Joke HR 669


I am new, but please check out this bill going through the legislature. There would be no more or any others. Please make your voices heard!


Exotic pet dilemma
Wildlife regulation bill causing concern among pet store owners, who say change would put them out of business
Published: April 15, 2009
A wildlife regulation bill now in a congressional committee is ruffling feathers, fur and scales among local pet dealers, and if passed could impact a legion of pet owners here and nationwide.
House Resolution 669 would forbid private sale and ownership of most “exotic” animals – not just truly unusual creatures, but saltwater aquarium fish, turtles and lizards, many birds, even hamsters and guinea pigs.


Active Member
That sucks. Is it just the stores that can't keep them anymore or is it going to be everyone. Their are so many people I don't see how they can come into peoples houses and just take their things. It would break some, ahh!
I forgot, in the bill of rights.


Active Member
This bill was introduced by the Rep. from Guam, of all places. When Nancy Pelosi sees how many of her California constituents would be put out of work; I think she'll make sure the bill never makes it out of committee.


From what I read, we cannot breed, sell, give away, any life that is not on their list. PETA, Humane Society, and Nature Conservancy are all backing this. That's a lot of political pull.We need to stop them. This is the first time I've ever aired my views anywhere, but I really think this is important! I raise Emus and I think that they would definitely be a target. I love my saltwater tanks! I've only been into SW for about 2 years now. I get so much information here so I thought I should share this!


LOL. yes, I couldn't call myself sassafras. It blocked it. And I did a search for HR 669 and found nothing on here. Just hoping to make people aware!


It is in the "aquarium" section of the board. There is actually a debate going on about this. Here is the link...


I went on their website and sent a lengthy email to my representative... I also joined the group on facebook to help battle this. I hope it NEVER passes. It would be devastating to many pet owners and pretty much all pet businesses would die out.


Active Member
If this bill ever makes it to Obama's desk, and he signs it, his Portuguese Water Dog better be the first to go.


Active Member
I think the bill only applies to right winged, wacko conservatists. All liberal democrats should be fine.
Honestly, I think its just hyped and will never pass.


From what I understand, the list of "unapproved species" will be ones that can
1) spread into the wild in the US.
2) harm native species
3) harm the US economy
4) unnecessarily harm human beings
As far as I know there are no saltwater rivers/lakes in the US that our fish can populate. The fish can't carry diseases which can spread to us. Their sale or breeding cannot harm the US economy. Therefore our fish will be fine.
Plus it sounds like it is just proposing a study to find if there are any animals that are being imported to the US are harmful.
They are suggesting
to look into a matter that might
be detrimental and that they may
do something about it.
lol if this does pass who cares its called "Breaking the rules" i say if it does pass "lets take a stand" lol get on good mornin america if we have to lol
who's in?????


Active Member
What about captive bred species? What will happen to the fish stores? It's not like we can just take the millions of fish and corals that are out there for sale and throw em in the ocean...what will come of our hobby?