No more anemones ~ maybe?



I'm sorry to say that I have been thinking about getting rid of my anemones. Seems my mind has just gotten tired of having so many anemones in my tanks, or I'm just tired of having Bubble tip anemones.
After raising them for 5.5 years I think I'm ready to move on and develope my reef into something different.
Part of my brain however says that I should keep them or one, they have done so well for me that it is hard to part with them.
I consider 5.5 years pretty sucessful though, proof that I can do it. But now, maybe, something different.
Anyone have any thoughts about my thoughts? Should I move on and try something different or keep the little tribbles?


Wow 5.5 years is a long time....hats off to you! That is a profound statement in it's self most people don't exhibit that kind of husbandry, the kind it takes to be successful at keeping them healthy that long!
Which ever way you decide to go...only one thing could be said.... Good Job!!


Active Member
Thomas giving up anemones!!!???
whats next ..........
Ophiura giving up seastars?
BangGuy giving up clowns, and demo'ing his lagoon!!??
Dogs and Cats sleeping together??
Sharks and Dolphin playing kissy face!!??
Lion_craz and oreo agreeing on anything!??
The world as I know it is crumbling before my eyes. :help:
Ok, nice vent there. I'd keep at least one Thomas, but I totally understand you wanting to do the big pretty reef thing since anemones do take up a good chunk of space.
Ya gotta keep one though.... just one tiny teeny one?


Originally Posted by Crox
If you do so I won't have anybody that can help me with anemone questions!!!!

My opinions are still there Crox and I can still help.


well i would be willing to adopt a few bubble tips if you dont mind.that way i could try to breed them and pass the knowledge onto other fellow hobbiest.


Active Member
I say KEEP THEM!!! :jumping: You need to start another tank. A 210 reef would be nice then you could have your reef and your anenomes. Thomas without anenomes is like cookies without milk!!


Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm sorry to say that I have been thinking about getting rid of my anemones. Seems my mind has just gotten tired of having so many anemones in my tanks, or I'm just tired of having Bubble tip anemones.
After raising them for 5.5 years I think I'm ready to move on and develope my reef into something different.
Part of my brain however says that I should keep them or one, they have done so well for me that it is hard to part with them.
I consider 5.5 years pretty sucessful though, proof that I can do it. But now, maybe, something different.
Anyone have any thoughts about my thoughts? Should I move on and try something different or keep the little tribbles?
sps and zoo thomas you going to love it that what i am plan to do after crossing all the marine forum all over and over the color they have amazing.
here 2 picture they so beauty . (the are not mine)



Well with 940 watts of lights over a 90 gallon there isn't much I couldn't keep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Well with 940 watts of lights over a 90 gallon there isn't much I couldn't keep.
Haha, Thomas made a funny. :cheer:


Active Member
tomas if your serious about possibly getting rid of them i would LOVE to buy one off you i cant find a nice BTA anywhere my clowns are hostind my open brain for some of the time now and would love an anemone! Connor


Thomas, sorry to hear you're thinking about getting rid of the BTA's.
I had no idea you had been keeping them for 5+ years though.

So what do you have lined up for the next endevour?
Thomas, I have to ask, how long have you been in the hobby?


Originally Posted by KOgle
So what do you have lined up for the next endevour?
Thomas, I have to ask, how long have you been in the hobby?
Been thinking about doing more zoanthids, perhaps a clam, might even try some more stonies.
I think I got into this hobby from freshwater to salt about 1986 or so, so its been a few years.
I've been through undergravel filters, crushed coral, canister filters, sumps, refugiums, SSB, DSB, fish only, fowler, reef, pumps, pumps and more pumps...
I have a 90 gallon tank, 55 gallon refugium. 10 gallon hospital tank,. an empty 55 gallon, 29 gallon. The 29 is used for water changes.
I haven't done anything about the anemoens yet might wait till spring, but I'm still looking at them thinking they have to go now. I started with one in the 55 with crushed coral and almost killed it, upgraded lighting, and it grew and split, split again, upgraded tanks and they multiplyed like rabbits. I must have 30 if not more now and I've been taking them down to the LFS and selling them right along through the years.
I don't like to ship them.


Active Member
feel free to share the anenomes with us all (be sure to ship me the first one!)
you may not want them anymore, but others will, so be kind and ship em off to new owners.. need my address to ship one or two of em?


:scared: wow ok i would love to buy a rose bta and have been worried about trusting websites and would love to but one from you if u decide to get rid of them!!!!