No more anemones ~ maybe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Well with 940 watts of lights over a 90 gallon there isn't much I couldn't keep.
I ditto that thomas.I have a total of 1640 watts on my tank if i turn all the lights on at once lol.i have to rotate my lights so i dont over cook my babies.and blow a cercuit lol BTW I started a thread on this subject called anenome poll id love to see your answers to the questions i have asked im sure alot of others would too your a prime example of what keeps us all trying


New Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Well with 940 watts of lights over a 90 gallon there isn't much I couldn't keep.
Wow. Is there such a thing as too much light?
I read an article in Coral Magazine awhile back about some guy whose quartz sheild broke, and so he had straight, unfiltered MH lighting on his tank (don't remember how many watts/gal) and he scorched and killed the corals, anemones and even killed some fish. I didn't realize the bulb filters did so much filtering...
Did you ever have any problems like that ?


Originally Posted by mECHsLAVE
Wow. Is there such a thing as too much light?
Did you ever have any problems like that ?
I'm sure there is such a thing as too much light, however I do not have that problem. I run the VHO for almost 12 hours, but the halides are only on for 4-6 hours.


Active Member
gotta keep one of your babies...... :joy: as they split you know you will have credits at the LFS for more fun things.
Our CC star isn't going to the new tank
......we are going to attempt a reef !! :scared:


Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm sorry to say that I have been thinking about getting rid of my anemones. Seems my mind has just gotten tired of having so many anemones in my tanks, or I'm just tired of having Bubble tip anemones.
After raising them for 5.5 years I think I'm ready to move on and develope my reef into something different.
Part of my brain however says that I should keep them or one, they have done so well for me that it is hard to part with them.
I consider 5.5 years pretty sucessful though, proof that I can do it. But now, maybe, something different.
Anyone have any thoughts about my thoughts? Should I move on and try something different or keep the little tribbles?
Thomas, you probably dont remember a post that you posted a long time ago for a dying bubble tip anemone that I had a problem with. refresh your memory, my rose BTA looked nice but after the clowns hosted, it started loosing its tenticles and they were being ripped off. You suggested it might of been the rough clowns and indeed it was. Well in that forum, I thought that was the END for my BTA because it had NO tenticles at ALL after a while. I was still feeding it although it had no tenticles to grab the food on to. I still had hope for it and decided to keep this one in my tank, surely enough...I kept my water quality high and all parameters where they needed to be, the clowns started hosting my long tenticle plate coral in the meantime and BTA is STILL ALIVE.
To make the story short, my rose BTA has started to grow NEW tenticles and it has tenticles now. Each day I seem to find more and more growth. And to make the story a happy ending, it is showing light green colors on its tenticles, which means it is regaining its zooxanthalle!!!!
These creatures are hard to hate, but easy to love. I thought it was going to die, so did everyone else but it didnt. It fought for its life and now it has come back to see another day. You should definetly keep at least one anemone!!!! These creatures are amazing. Its hard to imagine how strong they might be in the wild concidering how strong it was in my tank to stay alive!
I hope this story made a difference in your opinion to keep at least one anemone.


lbaskball ~ I love feedback like that, kinda makes things worth sticking around for.
However I still look at the tank everyday, and still think about how painful its going to be to have to be removing the rocks and get the anemones off of it. I am still considering taking them all out, every single one of them.
This is not to say that I'll be giving up on anemones entirely. Its kinda like Ophiura saying she will never have another star fish of any kind, it's just unthinkable. I just feel its time to do something else with the tank. Maybe get one anemone of a different kind like the difficult Sebae or perhaps an RBTA or another of unusual color. More and more I know that they will have to be removed, it's just a matter of when.
I am very thrilled that your BTA survived the abuse and is regrowing it tentacles, lets hope the clowns can keep their mitts off of the new tentacles.


Active Member
Only because you asked for thoughts.
I think it's awesome that you have "mastered" the husbandry(sp) of the BTA's. You should get rid of ALL of them and try something new, like you said, you can always go back. After 5+ years its time to learn something new or master. Try doing carpets, or what ever you want. I am sure what ever you choose, you will do your homework and research and it will be a success.


Well folks its started. I removed one rock with at least 6 anemones on it from the left side of my tank and put them in the fuge for now. All I have to do now is remove the other 25-30 of them. Sheeze this is going to be a chore!


It's hard to part with something that has taken so much of your time!!! I think you should keep a couple of them just for "ole friends" sake.....


The day has finally come. I have almost ripped the tank apart, I still have no idea how many anemones I have removed. There will be no more posting by me of pics on my anemone colony, it's gone.
I still have about 8 running around that I can't get to. I have removed many rocks covered in Bubble Tip anemones and placed them in the refugium. My poor Ocellaris clowns do not know what to think, they seem very lost and confused. I even found they had layed a new clutch on the glass behind the anemone pride rock.
Today is a sad day.



Sorry to see you ha e removed them. I am in michigan though and would love to pick up one or two if that is what y ou are going to do with them!


Hey Thomas712 sad to hear about you moving on but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I for one hope you'll stick around to help us in need of your knowalge!!!!
You have helped me sooooooo much just buy reading your replies to others questions & helping me out when I needed it. We could always count on you being here to get us through some tight spots. Thanks for teaching me how to keep & care for my sebae, & because of you he is healthly & growing strong, I think you have raised way more anemones then just the ones you have in your own tank! I know you helped with mine
. Thanks Thomas712 I hope you stick around & good luck with your new adventure


Originally Posted by JDykstra
Sorry to see you ha e removed them. I am in Michigan though and would love to pick up one or two if that is what you are going to do with them!
If you like we might be able to arrange something.


Just to be clear this is a rearrangement only, I'm not getting out of the hobby, just changing the reef to another motif. If I even keep 1 of these anemones till October it will offically be 6 years with BTA's.


Active Member
That's very true, you are very accomplished with keeping anemones Thomas, which is not the easiest thing to accomplish in the reef hobby, you should feel great calling it a day and trying something new! Congratulations!

reef diver

Active Member
Thomas its hard to give something up like that, youll regret it, maybe keep one if you want, and bseel the rest, but at least keep one, because if you dont youll eventually regret it. (p.s. they make nice additions to reefs imo. Yopu could also try upgrading to something like steveweasts.


Here is a night time shot (early morning before lights on), the anemones are currently in shrink mode. There is also a leather in the middle that desperately needs to be fragged. As you can see I have setup my canister filter to keep things clean and tidy. There are easily 30+ anemones in this shot.