no more for me


Well-Known Member
I explained in my build thread, but I will go ahead and say it again:
My last major service account was dropped. I was undercut. I am jobless. I can no longer afford this hobby for the time being. The economy sucks, dealing with customers that do not appreciate your efforts suck, and life sucks. So - to heck with it. I quit doing service work. I quit doing retail.
So, I am selling off my 240, 400lbs live rock and 200lbs base rock, 220lbs sand, pumps, filters, the entire works. No, I am not avertising, but it sucks that I have to see my dream tank go.
I'll probably get a very small biocube tank in the next month.
I know I want to stay in the hobby, but right now it seems impossible. For the first time in years, I will have to work for someone other then myself.
To keep myself busy with a hobby for the time being, I was thinking about taking up photography. Seems fun and interesting. God my life sucks.
help, advice, experience and knowledge welcome. Prayers are welcome too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I explained in my build thread, but I will go ahead and say it again:
My last major service account was dropped. I was undercut. I am jobless. I can no longer afford this hobby for the time being. The economy sucks, dealing with customers that do not appreciate your efforts suck, and life sucks. So - to heck with it. I quit doing service work. I quit doing retail.
So, I am selling off my 240, 400lbs live rock and 200lbs base rock, 220lbs sand, pumps, filters, the entire works. No, I am not avertising, but it sucks that I have to see my dream tank go.
I'll probably get a very small biocube tank in the next month.
I know I want to stay in the hobby, but right now it seems impossible. For the first time in years, I will have to work for someone other then myself.
To keep myself busy with a hobby for the time being, I was thinking about taking up photography. Seems fun and interesting. God my life sucks.
help, advice, experience and knowledge welcome. Prayers are welcome too.
In life, one door closes another door will open.
Keep your head up it gets better.


Active Member
I sent you a e-mail , stay strong. I have been through it and i know it sucks!! I will say a prayer , as for the bio-cube...well I am not a big fan , I sold mine 2 weeks after I bought it
This may sound wrong but look out for yourself right now. If you are going bankrupt don't leave anything behind! sell EVERYTHING no matter how little , and hold on to what you can. When you are in the frame of mind you are you tend not to see the worth of things in your store. Take EVERYTHING!!!!! I left allot behind in my restaurant and kick myself for it


I am sorry that things aren't going well Blitz. Downsizing your tank is probably a good idea for you right now. I wish you all of the best. I know many on here aren't religious but I will say this to you. God never gives us more than we can handle. Things will get better for you. Have faith
I wish I was closer...I'd buy the tank and just sell it back to you for the same amount after you get everything back together. Tanks/material things can always be replaced though.


Didn't you just get a Clarion Angel?
I'm sorry for your troubles. The economy is really slamming a lot of people. My husband, with two college degrees and 20 years experience, just got laid off too.
Life is always changing. Sometimes the pendulum is up high and life is very, very good. Sometimes the pendulum swings the other way and life stinks. But for the most part, the pendulum falls in the middle, where life is "normal" with some good and some bad. Eventually the pendulum will swing again and things will get better for you.
In the meantime, there are worse things than working for someone else or for a company. They'll pay half of your social security tax and pay your health insurance premiums too! Do what you need to do for now. It won't be forever.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the words of advice and wisdom. I certainly appreciate all of your help and guidance. Sep, Everything is going to be sold now. I was trying to hang on to my POS system and my 240 gallon tank, but now that has to go too.
It's not like I am in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt like you were, nwdr, however it feels like it!
And I guess your right, the pendulum can swing both ways. I guess taking it a day at a time and getting over this hump or bump in the road is the best that I can do so far.
I still want to keep a small aquarium, however. So reccomendations? I want something pre-built, practically.


Active Member
Times are tough for EVERYBODY these days it seems, Dreadfully slow here for me as well because I am in retail advertising! Good Luck in ALL of your endeavors!


sorry to hear about your tough times. check out the red sea max for a small tank threre plug and play i belive they have 2 sizes now


Well-Known Member
I was sifting through the garbage and wasteland of my shop yesterday and found that I still have one drilled 30 gallon long tank. I'm going to be setting it up as soon as I can get the big boy sold.
Any help selling that 240 is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
if you can afford to, i'd just get whatever life off of your rocks you can, and then dry it out. You can reuse it when you resetup your tank.


Active Member
Sorry to hear this. Hope things turn arround soon for you. I will pray for you guys good luck. You know my email if you want to get rid of some frags. Just remember one thing always keep your head up because you can never crawl out of a hole with your head stuck in the mud.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the words of encouragement everyone. I really appreciate it. I will e-mail everyone if I want to talk.
I found an old 30 gallon long drilled tank that I am going to set up. Built my stand today.
I'm still going to have SPS corals, but not in as big of a tank. :(
Gov. Jindal in Louisiana says that the state has to cut funding. Colleges are getting state grant cuts for students to get into college. I will probably have to pay my own way or with student loans now. Jindal is also freezing the state and local job markets, so I can't get a job there. I have to look to the hurting private industry for a decent job. Looks like I am going to be working three part time temporary jobs to get by right now in this horrible economy.
I'm still going to be here though, doesn't mean that I am going to cut off my internet connection and sell my laptop. Just means that I will be busier then usual. Sucks not owning a store anymore - I don't have that much free time to get on here anymore.


Sorry to hear about your losses, the job and the big tank.
If you are planning on selling off your live stock, contact me I am a member of a couple of club and could probably arrange a group buy or two to get you some larger lumps of money. That is if you don't mind shipping some corals and stuff.
PM me and I can get you my e-mail addy, for pics and prices of what you have.
I am sure things will turn around for you soon enough.


MOve to Hawaii, then you won't need a fish tank, you can just dive and snorkel. Sell pinapples and live in one of those commune type deals. I saw plenty of people living that way when I was in Maui a couple years ago. Not many possesions but man they loved life and had a great outlook.