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Two words - term limits.
Someone should've replaced Kennedy decades ago. I could care less whether it was a Democrat or a Republican. That's what sad about this election. I doubt a majority of the people that voted for Brown even knew what his platform was, or what issues he was running on. All they were looking at was a Republican against a Democrat. The big question now will be when Brown hits the Senate, will he sit down and research and read all the bills that are currently being voted on, and make a decision on how to vote based on what is the best interest for his constituents, or will he just sit down and press the 'yea' or 'ney' button based on what his Republican bretheren tell him to do? If he does the latter, then he's no better than any of the other trolls that work in that city.
I flipped on Fox last night and I saw Hannity just beaming with pride about the Brown win. Then he gets into an argument with this guy about how Harry Reid made a statement that Brown would be allowed to enter the Senate and have his seat as soon as the proper paperwork was filed. Hannity was going off that Brown should be able to catch a flight from Logan today, and be in his seat this afternoon so he can put his 'ney' vote in on any of the current healthcare bills being voted on. If I'm not mistaken, isn't the procedure that the Attorney General, or someone from the state, has to file the proper paperwork that states all votes have been counted, and whoever was declared the winner, actually won, and that it takes 10 to 15 days for this to go through? If I recall, Hannity didn't have an issue with that guy from Illinois that got elected having to wait until the dawn of time to get certified. Of course, that was one of Obama's cronies.
It's a sad state of affairs that in this country, the average voter seems to only be able to understand "republican or democrat." They are unwilling to research candidates, so instead it has to be reduced down to democrat or republican.
I agree on term limits 10000%. I'm also of the school of thought that state elections for congress should be spread throughout the year, to eliminate the problem where just after an election, everyone sits high on the hog because they think they are safe for a while.
In regards to your second paragraph... no self respecting conservative pays any attention to Hannity anyway. He's nothing but talking points and whining.