Found this: If thats all they do bad idea. Might be ok for fish only but a reef needs stuff. They might also do the famous Reef looks great but that corals only been in there for a week then we sell it and put in another.
Algal Turf Scrubbing is a solar/algal technology that utilizes attached, primarily filamentous algae of many genera and species to capture the energy of sunlight and build algal biomass from CO2. A highly efficient capturer of nutrients from fresh, brackish, and sea water, and a wide variety of waste and industrially-polluted waters, ATS performs point and non-point water cleaning services from aquarium to landscape scales. By combining algal-produced oxygen, at super-saturated levels, with solar or artificial UV, many toxic, organic compounds can be degraded by ATS systems.
Fig 1. Diverse algal turf of green algae, diatoms and a red alga from an ATS test plant cleaning a farm canal in the Florida Everglades.
In model ecosystems
at commercial levels
to non-point source
with global potential
ATS produces a low cost harvestable algal biomass at an order of magnitude greater rate than agricultural and forestry products at the same latitude. Currently used commercially to sequester nutrients while producing cattle fodder and soil amendments, the ATS algal product can also be converted to paper and construction materials and can be used to sequester carbon and heavy metals as well as break-down toxic hydrocarbons. ATS-produced algae can be converted to energy products such as biodiesel, gasohol and methane.