No more yellow tangs...


New Member
Just added a yellow tang to my aquarium two weeks ago. This is my first salt water tank and i fell in love the yellow tang and his personality. glad i got him while i can. I have 5 blue reef chromis in there with him and he loves to get right up in the middle of the school and swim around with them


So no more eels, puffers, or boxfish? It takes plase sep 1st this year


Active Member
all collections, including what goes through the marshall islands and christmas islands that goes through hawaii.
its not just yellow tangs, but potters angels (thank goodness, since those really shouldn't be collected) eels, boxfish, etc.


Active Member
Hmm, I was planning on holding off with picking up a yellow tang so it wouldn't be one of the first and become territorial in my new tank, but maybe I'll get it and let it hang out with the clowns in the 55 for a couple months before its time to go in the new one.....heh...


Originally Posted by m0nk
Hmm, I was planning on holding off with picking up a yellow tang so it wouldn't be one of the first and become territorial in my new tank, but maybe I'll get it and let it hang out with the clowns in the 55 for a couple months before its time to go in the new one.....heh...
I know I suddenly feel an tingling of panic. Maybe I should go buy the fish I want now. haha. I'll wait.


Active Member
Originally Posted by monkdaily
question why shouldnt they be collected? i noticed smaller fish being named

nah, they name eels, and coralvores (parrot fish i assume). hawaii has ALWAYS been strict on their collection amounts, this is probably just a fine tuning.
i wouldnt be surprised if they already have the 20 fish per day rule, but are just changing it to maximum 5 yellow tangs per day.
potters angels shouldn't be collected anyway, nor should neon gobies. they just DONT live in our tanks, and we're depleting them for no reason.
the other fish i don't understand, no box, pufferts, eels?? they can't be endangered...


i just didnt know potters were so fragil owning a 55 i was looking at one but i shall stick with the CB. still this bill is so crazy to me obviously we need regulations but this seems to be a lil tight .


Active Member
maybe it will force aquaculturing...who knows, maybe these animals breed easy under the right circumstances.


Active Member
The only petion I have seen was to flood his office will call and send faxes over and over, The reef's in and around hawaii are waay over fished...It down right sad if you go diving around there...I hope the bill passes..


Active Member
yea, but honestly, unless you're a citizen of hawaii, why would a state senator listen to you? because you're a greedy saltwater fish hobbyist?


I hope the bill passes. I think the ultimate goal of our hobby should be universal aquaculturing. Until then, measures to increase the sustainability of wild populations are great.


Active Member
if the reef is being endangered in anyway, i am for this bill. i dont see a problem with the limit. just look at the blue fin tuna population. we might not hv blue fin tuna in 15-20 years.