This is a bad bill IMO. It will do nothing for the sake of the 'saving the fish.' Instead of people buying $20 yellow tangs, they will buy $25 clown tangs. The Hawaiian islands are a great place to get fish from that are currently collected and regulated effectively. To say yellow tangs are 'over-fished' is really inaccurate IMO. Of the 6 Hawaiian Islands, only 6 of them have spots that allow collecting. And in those islands, only parts of them are allowed to be collected in. One example is Kona, where only about 40% of the coast is collectable. Also when collecting, divers leave 'the breeders." A number of things has an affect on the fish, el nino, storms, collecting, and more likely times more damaging, pollution. Collection is not the issue.
What this bill is, at least IMO, is driven by the local dive shops, in an effort to "get all the pretty fish" into areas where they can lots of money off dives.
From an hobby point of view, this won't do anything but hurt the hobby. Your really elminating one of the few areas that has real quality fish. Fish stores aren't going to stock $100 yellow tangs, they're just going to stock fish from the Indo-Pacific where there's little to no regulations. You think the hobby is tough now? Try it with clown tangs that were collected with cyanide or dynamite.