no need for water changes


Active Member
....I have to agree with reefkprz!!!!! Basically what your saying is your first hand knowledge or experience is proving some of the best in the field; hobby wrong......Why not contact individuals with some spectacular setups and see what they tell you??????
Try doing that on a strict SPS tank. I guess it would work as well?


Active Member
I'm not saying I'm proving anybody wrong, but I don't think you can say if you don't do what I do you will fail. I do think what you have to do all depends on the system you have and what your trying to keep in your system, I am also saying that I do think no mather what some water changes will benifit your tank. But if one person has a system that they handle a certain way and that works for them that's great, why change just because someone else has a different opinion. What matter is what works.
By the way I have SPS also and they are doing great.


i have to say that ive done this with my 37 gal tank several years ago, although i did not have all of the other stuff he has, the tank at that time was a fowlr and i went through some really tough times and no intrest in it at all and i have to say that the tank was beautiful great coraline every place, no algae, the fish looked great.
i do water changes on a reg. basis and would do it no other way but i just thought i would put my two cents in.


i have a 150 and i have also not been doing water changes...(primarly because i am in college and never have any money to buy salt or anything for that matter haha)... but i havnt put anything in the tank for probally 10 months and havnt done a water change in that time. I have noticed coral growth and my anemonie has almost quadroupled in size... i put a frogspwan frag in 10 months ago and it has also grown from 1 head to 4 heads i have great coraline growth and all my inhabitants are doing fine... i have even had a madarine goby in my tank for a year and a half... now im not saying that it is a good thing that i dont do any waterchanges... but i works for me... if you have the money, i would encourage you to do at least a 25% watercange every month (thats what i was doing before college)... its not the end of the world if you don't do water changes but you will probally be a little better off if you did do a water change every now and then... just my 2 cents