No new coral growth by 2050!


Active Member
Just doesn't make sense. You'd have to assume that the entire ocean grew to warm for coral to grow, anywhere. Instead, the more likely scenario is that if there is a warming of the ocean (which itself is quite debatable), who's says corals and those in old tropical regions, won't just spread into former sub-tropical, now tropic regions?
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Just doesn't make sense. You'd have to assume that the entire ocean grew to warm for coral to grow, anywhere
. Instead, the more likely scenario is that if there is a warming of the ocean (which itself is quite debatable), who's says corals and those in old tropical regions, won't just spread into former sub-tropical, now tropic regions?
Actually, if you read the article, temp has nothing to do with the coral not growing, it has to do with acidity.
"By 2050, the acidification of the ocean will be so widespread that no new coral building will take place and major reef systems will die off and erode. By 2100, the surface ocean acidity will be the highest it has been in several million years."

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by westwind77
By 2100, the surface ocean acidity will be the highest it has been in several million years."
And they know this because they have lived that long. Sorry, stories such as this, global warming, and climate change I do not listen to. They can't even predict the weather for the week accurately and I am supposed to accept what they say will happen in 50 years. Isn't happening. Get my weekly weather forecast correct on a 100% basis then I might start listening.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
And they know this because they have lived that long. Sorry, stories such as this, global warming, and climate change I do not listen to. They can't even predict the weather for the week accurately and I am supposed to accept what they say will happen in 50 years. Isn't happening. Get my weekly weather forecast correct on a 100% basis then I might start listening.
I 100% totally agree with you.


Active Member
there was a show on the great barrier reef the other night and how it has disappeared due to ice ages drying it out and to reappear and start growing ontop of its old growth. while coral may have some setbacks in our lifetimes it will long out survive us on this planet.


Active Member
If the Global warming crowd is so sure of their position why are they going to such extremes to silence scientists with opposing views?


Well-Known Member
If corals survived through the dinosaurs, plenty of ice ages, and all sort of disasters, a 1 degree change in overall temp isn't going to matter much at all.
Think of how much our aquariums temp varies throughout the day,... don't you think wild corals can adapt just as rapidly?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
If corals survived through the dinosaurs, plenty of ice ages, and all sort of disasters, a 1 degree change in overall temp isn't going to matter much at all.
Think of how much our aquariums temp varies throughout the day,... don't you think wild corals can adapt just as rapidly?
My tank temp varies from 81 during the day to 77 during the night. The tank is a SPS/LPS dominated tank. I'm pretty sure the wild corals will be fine. lol
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
My tank temp varies from 81 during the day to 77 during the night. The tank is a SPS/LPS dominated tank. I'm pretty sure the wild corals will be fine. lol
Ok, AGAIN, this is NOT about temp, it is about acidity!
"By 2050, the acidification of the ocean will be so widespread that no new coral building will take place and major reef systems will die off and erode. By 2100, the surface ocean acidity will be the highest it has been in several million years."
It does not have to do with global 'warming' but the amount of C02 the ocean is absorbing and its relations to the rise in acidity.
I am not saying I agree or disagree with the article. What happens to your corals in your tank if you jump the acicidy to a high level, NOT temp. ??


Well-Known Member
When they talk about acidity, they are talking about the depleation of alkalinity. Just more left wing propaganda. lets throw a bunch of baking soda in the ocean!


Active Member
If there was enough co2 in the atmosphere to change the acidity of the ocean that much, I'd be more concerned about us suffocating...
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
And they know this because they have lived that long. Sorry, stories such as this, global warming, and climate change I do not listen to. They can't even predict the weather for the week accurately and I am supposed to accept what they say will happen in 50 years. Isn't happening. Get my weekly weather forecast correct on a 100% basis then I might start listening.
Oh how refreshing to read that someone else thinks like I do. It's always been amazing to me how the earth has been around for BILLIONS of years and we are so arrogant as a society and race that we think our eye blink time on this rock has done enough to destroy the planet.
It's funny how you don't hear about that "global killer" hole in the ozone anymore. These "doomsday" theories typically are nothing more than opportunities for companies, organizations, and other greedy groups to cash in on over fear.
Not a rant but I just get tired of hearing how the earth is in danger because of emissions and hairspray.