No Power


Don't have power for two days...... tank is running of the car... no gas in 100 miles radius... don't know how much longer i can hang on....:(


Active Member
Well, as long as the temp holds out, you can stir the tank with a bug spoon and aerate the water with an air stone by blowing through it. I kept my reef stable for two days during the midwest black out. If I were you, use the car battery for minimal usage, such as the heater at night or something.
Best of luck to you!


just got some gas!!!!!! should last another 48 hours at least!!!!!!!All the fish is fine!!!!!! I am a happyest man!!!! For 48 hours.......
Good luck to all on the same boat with me!!!!:)


Active Member
you didn't ride that thing out did you? A friend of my aunts in Hattaras area lost their house. Can't even get back close enough yet, too many downed trees and still water and sand.
Has anyone heard from Offshore80, I was concerned for him, he was only 100 feet from water and they had mandatory evacuation. Hope he didn't decide to ride that out.
Hope all works out for your tank and yourself.