No Skimmer?


What are people's opinions on not using a skimmer in a sump setup? My LFS actually recommended not using a skimmer which surprised me since I thought he'd try to make a sale. He seemed to think that if you set up your sump correctly it would act as a skimmer but naturally? Opinions.


Well-Known Member

I believe in using a skimmer, I hate them but I think they are needed. They pull out nasty stuff you can't even test for. I do turn off the skimmer on the day I feed my corals (2 xs a week). It taks the coras all day to feed and a skimmer just pulls it out. All the old uneaten broken down food is what the skimmer takes out..the stuff that pollutes your reef tank.


Absolutely can be done. I have done this. I ran a 40G tank with a 25G sump for a long time without a skimmer.
As long as your sump is set up properly, you feed correctly, do water changes, keep up with proper maintenance and don't over stock your tank, you'll be fine.