


i have some wierd brown algea stuff growing on my sand and rock. what is it:confused: :confused: it looks so disgusting! its a 75gl w/ 80lbs of lr (covered in powdry nasty lokin brown stuff) not cycled yet :( :confused:

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like diatoms...a natural part of the cycle process. Try a search above for Diatoms and you'll find lots of information ... normally they appear close to the completion of the cycle and are no major concern. With a few cleaners and a bit of patience they will fade away.:cool:


a few cleaners? like snails and stuff? ( by the way i dont want hermits, to distructive)


If this is for your 75 then it could benifit from snails and hermits both. Both have a job to do snails will clean the rocks and glass, some the sand, hermits - scarlet hermits will clean the rocks and sand, they can get into places that the snails can not. They are not that distructive and sure has been an asset in my reef.
Check the U-Build it for a list of clean up crews to get an idea on the different snails and hermits. I agree to stay away from the blue leg hermits as they are aggressive little killers.


thomas, in my 12g i have 3 hermits, all of which knock over every coral i put in they really piss me off:mad: so i dont want them in my precious 75:)


Active Member
As previously stated totally normal, don't add the clean up crew til the cycle is definately over, here's where you get to start practicing the golden rule of patience. Here's my diatom outbreak when we moved from a 55 to a 135. Lasted several weeks and bout drove me batty......


Active Member
True on the conchs but, I had 2 queens working the sandbed as fast as they could and still had the initial outbreak that lasted several weeks when the new tank was going through it's "new tank" thing. No problems with them since though. You are using ro/di water right?


New Member
I agree with the fighting conch suggestion. I had the same problem in my 75 and it took him 4 days to knock it out.I am in Miami as well,let me know if you need any help, would also be interested in what LFS you frequent.