Nobody told me how huge a Mexican Trochus snail was!!


Just received a u-buildit from SWF and everything looks great. I ordered some Mexican Trochus snails and and very surprised at how huge they are!! I ordered 10 and now wish I had ordered only 5. I have a 140 gallon tank so it may be OK, but I think I may end up having to take a few to a LFS store.
any relation to the margarita or astrea ordering some for my 50gal tank and i dont want to many if there the size your talking about


Active Member
ahah and they get bigger ! mine have the strength to knock over a 2lb rock like its nothing... so make sure frags are secure !! they seem to have lose frag seeking devices on them.. any lose frag is on the sandbed the nest day.. but on a positive note , they are very good cleaners..


The Mexican Trochus are the Star Jones of the snail world. The ones I have sometimes knock other snails right off the glass, so watch for knocked over snails.


Active Member
Star jones of snails,Ha Ha, thats a good one,
how about Haystacks Calhoon, if anyone out there knows who he is, I put 20 in my tank , they doing a great job:D


Active Member
Ah yes ..... The Mexican Trochus Snail
Cute little guys aren't they !
Trochus - genius name
Trochus - Latin word for iron hoop - combined with the Greek word Trokhos for wheel - we end up with the English word - Truck
So basically ...
A Mexican Trochus Snail can be thought of as a south of the boarder marine "truck" ~ crusin along in your tank ;)
"Andale, andale, ariba,ariba, eh-hah!"
yeah trochos is also another spelling for it if you know how to use the greeklish spelling ;) is wheel in greek....also roada is wheel in greek...trochos is more used in old greek..


Active Member
Efkaristo poly vasili !
I know a little Greek and some mixed in Macedonian.
Just enough to get myself into trouble LOL and some of it is not fit for this board :eek:

Originally posted by broomer5
Efkaristo poly vasili !
I know a little Greek and some mixed in Macedonian.
Just enough to get myself into trouble LOL and some of it is not fit for this board :eek:

parakalo.....the ones that get yourself in trouble is all u need to know;) its a pleasure to help


Active Member
They are a little large. I think 10 for your size tank is probably good. They easily consume about five times what a turbo/astrea does. They are THE heavyweight algae eater in the snail family that most often shows up at the lfs. You'll be happy with their cleaning job.