Noctornal cleaner shrimp


My new cleaner shrimp seeems to only come out at night. Is this the norm? I started to worry about him starving..... so I tried a feeding after lights out tonight! Funny enough he came out scrambling for food.... and so did other fish...hmmm even in ther dark!! Anyway is this normal for Cleanershrimp to be a night owl???? When I go to the LFS they are always out and about...... however in the morning when lights come on he heeds for the back of the tank under dark rocks never to be seen in daylight.. and then at night he comes out???? Anyone know more than I???????


Active Member
The cleaner in my 55 is out all the time, and the one in my 75 is primarily out at night.


My cleaners stay hidden when the lights are on, but they rush out for food, grab it, and run back into the rocks. After the primary lights are out and the moonlights on, everything comes alive (except the fish who are all tucked in)


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
How can they clean the fish if they aren't out during the day when the fish are?

Mine dosen't clean


Thanks for all the input....However after having him now for over two weeks he is out and about. As a matter of fact I can hand feed him small peices of shrimp or fish. When I am cleaning the tank and I put my hand and arm in the water he hurries over to me and trys to clean my hands and arms!!! Awesome shrimp with tons of personality..... My yellow tang goes over by him at least twice a day to get cleaned and the Tang loves it!!!


i got one and he is always out,always tryiing to clean even though no one lets him guess cause he is only a week old.he hides out at night but if i turn the room lights on he'll come flying out.cant wait to see him cleaning.