noisy overflow?


New Member
I have a CPR siphone overflow rated at 1600ghp. My return pump is a sedra 12000. The return pump is very quiet, but the overflow, or should i say the pvc makes way to much water noise. There is a 45 degree bend in the pvc. Is there anything i do to quiet the water noise? Can i stuff a sock in the hole to the noise..... just joking about the sock. Any input would be great...


When my overflow was loud I took a long piece of tubing and stuck it down the hole. I kept going until it was quiet, then I secured the rest of the hose so it wouldn't fall in. Does that make sense?


New Member
that does make sence, i read about doing that. It stated that people do that because the overflow is starving for air so it gurlges. Mine is not starving for air, its the noise of the water hitting the pvc on the way down.... I will try the hose thing, thanks for the suggestion


Active Member
Hawk, I tried everything in the book to quiet my overflow down, and most things helped some but what really fixed the noise 100% and permanently was adding a ball valve on the drain pipe. I know it may sound a little crazy to block your drain. but trust me it WILL fix your problem. Just install it and then it takes some time to adjust it to the perfect setting, but a its a miracle when its done!


do a search for the "stockman drainpipe" Kip did a good articles on it. I used that exact method as my overflow sounded like a contstant flushing toilet from h**l.
Either way...check it out..i did it and it worked like a charm...can't hear the slightest thing now.