Non-Anemone Host for Perculas


Active Member
I know anemones are the ideal host and that hosting in general is a hit or miss.
My question is what other corals will a pair of perculas likely host without causing too much irritation to the coral and that can live in low light?
I have 72 watts of 50/50 10k/actinic over 24 gal. nano cube. (Stock lighting)


Active Member
i have seen a pic of a feather duster hosting a clown. mine also hangs out in my colt once in a while when hes feeling spunky LOL other then that its in the BTA


Active Member
ive seen them in feather dusters too that is why i recommended it but i tought that was like a once in a life time


My clown is really beating the Hell out of my Goniporia and green star polyps. The polyps don't seem to mind too much though. I need to get an anemonie or something that he won't kill.