Non-Suicidal Eels


I have had 2 snowflake eels go carpet surfing in the last month and I was just wondering if there are any eels without a death wish because I want to put one in my 120 but I cant put a hood on because of all my oddly shaped hang on filters.


Active Member
No eels are suicidal. They are just inquisitive, and will search every square inch of the tank. Try using masking or electrical tape to cover up the back of the aquarium, I know some people who have done it and said it works well. Bo


Active Member
Another thing you can use is the clip on plastic covers. One side attaches to your glass cover and you can trim to fit around your filters. Took me about an hour but I think the seal is eel proof.
Good Luck!


Well i am not going to go through all the trouble to do that stuff. All I wanted to know is are there any types of eels that are less likely to go carpet surfing?


Ever have someone ask you for directions only to then head off in the opposite direction you just pointed them in;
All eels will go and investigate all places if allowed to.
Now go by yourself some more eels and dont cover your tank.


Heck, with the cost of the two snowflakes you could have paid someone else to go through the trouble of eel proofing your tanks.


I have a green wolfe eel thats never been carpet surfing. He's a great eel to watch, always a swimming around, not hiding like alot of eels. He's about 8in long. would like to go with smaller fish, but I hate to get rid of him. He's my buddy


New Member
Bro it's really a hard job. next time you are at the fish store ask them for the plastic backing and just cut out what you need to cut off. it took me 15 mins. if you don't want to take the time to do that then let me suggest buying a goldfish.