Noob here saying Hello and a tank question


New Member
Hello Everybody! I just wanted to say you all have a nice board here with a lot of nice folks. I am new to having a tank of any kind beyond a golfish bowl 20 years ago. I lived in St. Thomas for a short period a few years ago and fell in love with the tropical world I would see scuba diving everyday and would love to be able to share that every day with my little boy in my home (Finding Nemo is still his favorite movie).
Right now I am just in the planning stages of constructing a mini reef of mostly inverts, a pair of clownfish, and whatever coral I have room for.
I have about $1500 to spend and was wondering what the best setup to get would be.
Space is not really an issue.
I have a 30 gallon glass tank now that is cracked but I fixed it and has held water with no leaks for a week now although I don't plan on using it as a main tank.
I see that 1lb of LR for every gallon and a nice skimmer is preferred setup.
If I can choose, I would prefer a long, slow setup, with the finished system needing the minmum of water changes.
I have really nice well water in my home that tastes better than bottled water although I have not tested it. If it leaves any stains at they are light brown so i assume my water here is soft if that makes any difference.
Also as I said I lived in St. Thomas and have many firends there and other carribean islands, is there any way to save money by having them send me LR, LS or other stuff from there?
Thank you so much for your time!


Hello and welcome to this wonderful, and painful hobby of ours. I don't want to spend your money, but one thing I will tell you; stay away from the well water. It is more than likely loaded with metals. With that 1,500 dollars, you can equip a 75 gal tank nicely. Lights, skimmer, fliters(make one yourself for nothing, instead of paying 300 hundred), LR, sand, fish. 1,500 is alot, if used wisely. Once again, Welcome! :cheer:


Active Member
i'd keep posting in newbie and classifieds until you find a tank. i'm not sure where exactly st. thomas is as there are hundreds, maybe thousands across the world, but i'm sure someone nearby is selling a complete setup. then you'd have a local helper and a much cheaper find.

sinner's girl

I was just at St. Thomas (if you're talking about the island). Forget which island that was, but the snorkling and fish were great on all three we went to.
Lr...I don't believe it would be legal for you (or your friends) to go snorkling and get some...but that's up to you and your friends. And customs.
I wouldn't use the water or the ls.
ro/di is perfered over well water.
good luck and welcome