Noob lookin for Everything


New Member
Hey I am new to the site. Great site by the way!!

I am looking to do a 200 Gallon Saltwater Aggressive tank. I use to have a 100 Gallon Freshwater tank and kept about 6 Red Belly Pirahnas but that was a few years ago and times and technology have changed ALOT!!!
Anyways, besides the tank what are some other things I will need (The best of things) to keep the tank healthy and looking great? Filters, Skimmers, Heaters, Etc...
I did a few searches and found some things but I'm gonna also put a thread out there to see as well as give a little intro


Active Member
Welcome to the board and Kudos for wanting to research first.
There are probably a hundred questions you could ask to get the answers you want and with every answer you'll probably have a new question.
Let me recommend a great primer on keeping salt water. Fenner's The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. A good read and will get you pointed in the right direction.
You'll find the more specific questions you have for the board the better the answers will be.
Good Luck and again Welcome!