Noobie, where to begin?



Looking to start a saltwater tank, don't know much about them at all. Where do i begin? Went to LFS tonight and looked around at tanks. Looking at a 45 gallon tank (36X12X24). What filter do i get, what do i need for lights, heater, etc... Looking for all/any advice i can get!


you want a good advice??? read a lot and learn all your possibilities before spending one dollar.. you'll learn in time this is a hobby of patience :)


READ and READ alot this will save you alot of $$$ and fish. I would use live sand(ls) live rock(lr) and a good protein skimmer some power heads for waterr movement and time for a good cycle NOT using fish use a dead raw shrimp from your seafood dept. And welcome to the boards. you will lear alot here. One more thing most LFS don't know S...


second that at the LFS but not all but most....... hahaha and these msg boards are the greatest I've learned so much and only been on a wk.... yeah but what he said up there ....... ummm depending on where your at in the hobby get ya some oceanic sea salt, LR & LS, water test kit a Hydrometer, a Protien Skimmer, or some say you can use a over the back but should be rated at least 2 times the size of your tank but anything you buy is better if its rated like that..... all mine is.... umm and ask lots of questions no questions are dumb questions believe me I ask some pretty stupid questions I'm sure I made some one want to slap me because of what some ppl told me at the LFS to do.....


I would not waste money on a Hydrometer they are most always way off. Buy a Refractometer and you will not have any problems with sg. JMO


really? didn't know that, umm I've not seen those anywhere,,,, Refractometer..... I need to try that too


Active Member
are you planinng on haveing a reef rank? with corals you will want a PC lighting or i belive VHO or MH..theres more too. PC is the cheapest but you cant keep every coral out there with it. i have PC lighting it does good. get a skimmer and a good filter. i would recomend and emporer bio wheel, ive heard good things aboiut them so i got one. you should get the tank set up with water and then get LR pretty soon. you will want it ALL to cyle at THE same time so its a shorter process. get test kits. get live sand too. some people get crushed coral but i heard it can cause bad things. i like live sand better though. thats just my opinion. i tried to cover the basics. ask if you have any more questions.


Do i need coral? Where does everyone recommend i purchase everything? I am just looking to have like 10 fish and eventually sea-horse. Trying not to break the bank all at once so maybe do coral eventually. What brand names do i look for and what do i stay away from? I really appreciate any help i can get. I've been trying to read on here as much as i can and price shop as much as i can too. LFS was pretty helpful tonight and did give some pointers. Thanks everyone!


no you don't need coral if you dont want it.its up to you. "I am just looking to have like 10 fish and eventually sea-horse." I don't think 10 fish will work in a 45gal JMO and I'm almost sure sea-horse has to be in a tank just for them.


sea horses do better in a smaller tank in a species only tank..... very hard too keep do lots of research on those I'm planning on it too and you don't have to have corals they just need good lights


I also would suggest deciding on fish you want and then posting it and seeing if there compatible and it will take months and months before you will be having that many fish....
oh and like that tank..... haha thats the same one I got....... cool


i planned to do a separater/divider in the tank (like a screen) to keep the seahorses separate from the fish. May do less than 10 fish, maybe 5-6 or so. Any recommendations on where to shop?


on a 45 gal? not a good idea
I won't even try to mix them either.. if you want seahorses then have a seahorse tank
if you want FO tank then do so


Active Member
and be ready to dump 300-800 dollars in it. i want a reef tank, 29 gallon. i have already dumped 200 in and theres 300 to go. its also sort of time consuming but, VERY worth it


Originally Posted by OMGsaltwat
I am way over $2000 maybe close to 3000.

me too
and keep putting extra $200 every month.